1. Do you agree to abide by the clan rules on Page 1 of this thread?
2. Why are you interested in joining Efficiency Experts? Please name any friends that may have referred you to the clan.
My main goal is to find a community to skill and talk to who are as compassionate about RuneScape as I am. I would like to be able to participate in group events such as minigames to have fun and gain bonus experience.
3. Would you be interested in joining our TeamSpeak server?
Probably not.
4. How many hours do you play per week, on average?
35 - 40 hours.
5. Please describe a typical RuneScape day for you. Include any dailies/D&Ds that you partake in.
Ports, vix-wax, extended DG task, divine loc, crystal blossom, herb runs, Arc Island, mixture of skilling to make the most of auras.
6. What are your current goals on RuneScape? How will you achieve these goals efficiently?
Currently skilling for 120's as well as going for the 'Jack of all Trades' Title. I like to make the most of my skilling auras such as quarrymaster at trahaern, five-finger discount at dwarf traders, call of the sea at waterfall etc.
09-Jan-2017 12:28:30