Mel 624
I don't pay much attention to the public chat but I do find that some people say some questionable things in event areas and other places where a lot of people end up gathering for long periods of time. Mostly I notice elitism and a lot of frustration and resentment over some things players have been having problems with for a long time. There's also some division in addressing those problems that get in the way of having constructive conversations about them.
Part of the solution for that from what I can tell is to make some much needed updates to address some of the longtime problems and to work on improving things that affect the community such as the forums, multiplayer content and general player interactions.
Sadly those updates are not likely to happen, I don't think Jagex takes the forums very seriously, it's very outdated and not many people use them.
But the official forums should be given a little more attention since some people don't feel comfortable using the runescape subreddit.
Wealth elitism has been a part of runescape for a very long time, and although it's not as severe as some of the actual rule breaking that goes on (racism, death threats, slurs, trolling)
It tends to create a pretty negative atmosphere.
Runescape is like a lottery, because most of it relies on RNG. Some people are lucky and some aren't, it's inequality at a very fundamental level.
The "hard work" thing gets thrown out the window when one person kills a boss 9001 times and doesn't get a rare drop, and somebody else kills a boss once and gets it on the first go.
about a decade ago I witnessed this at black dragons. After grinding for about a week to get a draconic visage (which was 40m at the time). Some guy came in and got one first kill, after I failed for thousands of kills.
instead of congratulating him I was frustrated.
Not just wealth but also how some members talk about non members. Doesn't help that the forums used to be members only. Alienating F2P doesn't exactly convince them to go P2P and the idea that only members feedback should matter is flawed in a lot of ways. People forget that new players start F2P and won't stick around if their time there isn't enjoyable enough to justify getting invested in the game.
I remember getting yelled at by someone doing slayer but also some people being polite about not hogging all the mobs. I also found a lot of people getting mad pretty fast at Croseus if anyone didn't do something correctly and accusing them of trolling right off. Most of the time it was just not knowing how the point system worked but people don't have much patience when boss loot is on the line. Probably part of why so many people resent the PvM/bossing focus.
For the forums, activity is low because of lack of improvements, so claiming a lack of activity to justify a lack of improvement just gets recursive. Livestreams only work for people who are available at the streaming times and have the time to set aside to watch and most forms of social media are uninviting in various ways to a lot of people either due to the toxicity and other issues of social media or the site itself being formatted in a way people don't like navigating.
The site forums were around first as the original place for community engagement and is hosted by Jagex itself, so it really should be the primary form of engagement with active maintenance to improve that. That it's just left without a lot of standard forum features and often an afterthought to social media platforms just doesn't look good from a player perspective when it comes to building trust from the community. It especially stood out to me when they plugged all their social media for feedback about the retro cosmetics and yet didn't bother to include the official RS forums as a place to collect some of that community feedback from.
How to block a forum user
Deep down I think the RS3 community is 50/50, negativity just gets more attention...
I know what you mean about the forum henchmen, most are just chasing mod-status.
They'll defend anything they think Jagex want to hear / will put them in good stead, etc.
Try to focus more on the positives. As soon as you encounter negativity, utilise the ignore feature! plenty more wobblegongs in the sea. As for the forum contrarians, pay no mind.
It's easy to be a critic. If they're not being constructive then its all just hot air / opinion.
Bob says:
A bank PIN will keep your items secure.
Always check the second trade screen.
Never trade in the Wilderness!
Keep your computer keylogger-free and virus scanned.
Never give your password out to anyone.
30-May-2022 10:21:19
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30-May-2022 10:30:11
Abby Taylor
Runescape is like a lottery, because most of it relies on RNG. Some people are lucky and some aren't, it's inequality at a very fundamental level.
I wouldn't go that far. Runescape is about your journey, not others. Rare drops are just one part of the game that keeps it more exciting. If you don't get lucky when you expect, do something else like questing, skilling, d&d's, clues, and then try again.
It sounds like you HAVE to get something because someone else managed to get it sooner. The negativity gets you when you can't let it go and keep doing it against your will.
Abby Taylor
about a decade ago I witnessed this at black dragons. After grinding for about a week to get a draconic visage (which was 40m at the time). Some guy came in and got one first kill, after I failed for thousands of kills.
instead of congratulating him I was
Oh come on this is exactly how negativity spreads. You won't congratulate someone if they get something that you didn't. He was probably so happy after getting it on the first kill, and you didn't even congratulate him. Its different if he was being douche about it to you.
Abby Taylor
The "hard work" thing gets thrown out the window when one person kills a boss 9001 times and doesn't get a rare drop, and somebody else kills a boss once and gets it on the first go.
That does not make your hard work any less meaningful. As i said its about focusing on your journey, not others.
30-May-2022 12:11:19
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30-May-2022 13:03:25
Deep down I think the RS3 community is 50/50, negativity just gets more attention...
I know what you mean about the forum henchmen, most are just chasing mod-status.
They'll defend anything they think Jagex want to hear / will put them in good stead, etc.
Try to focus more on the positives. As soon as you encounter negativity, utilise the ignore feature! plenty more wobblegongs in the sea. As for the forum contrarians, pay no mind.
It's easy to be a critic. If they're not being constructive then its all just hot air / opinion.
It's harder to ignore them on the forums, because there is no block / ignore button.
Funnily enough, there is a block feature within the game, but not within the forums, weird right?
Luckily you can use certain programs like adblock to hide specific users from your view when looking at the forums.
And that's great, but it means using a third party program to do something that Jagex should already have implemented...
The community, I'll be honest I don't have a lot of faith in it.
I feel like a huge number of players would scam or steal from another if the opportunity presented itself, and they felt they could get away with it.
Not saying everyone would go out of there way to grief other players, but rather they wouldn't hesitate to benefit from somebody else or exploit them in an opportunistic way.
like seeing somebody drop their wallet, and instead of giving it back, I feel like the runescape community would make sure nobody is looking and pocket it for themselves.
I feel bad about it, but that's my honest feelings.
and that's not even counting the bigots and misogynists present in populated areas.
"As i said its about focusing on your journey, not others."
While I generally agree with this attitude, That other peoples accomplishments shouldn't make things less fun for you.
I still wonder then why other people are so adamant on not allowing changes that make items less exclusive.
For example, if someone else having something doesn't ruin it for you, then would you complain if your Rares were given out for free by Jagex?
logically there's a conclusion here:
1. If you don't care about what other people have....
2. Then you shouldn't care if everyone is given something rare for free
But recently, somebody was suggesting that the Zuk capes be obtainable in more ways, and there was a massive amount of negative comments, and lack of support.
It seems like players DO CARE what other people have.
"Its different if he was being douche about it to you."
It was years ago but I think it went like this:
Him: "Haha no F****** way"
Me: "?"
-shows me visage in trade-
Me: "ffs"
Him: "Later"
-teleports away-
Then I'm still there killing dragons with thousands of kills. I never got a visage there either btw, I gave up and moved on. But it hurt me that the game did not produce for me what it produced for others.
of course it dropped massively in price years later, and I got one from a celestial dragon, long after it was no longer useful or valuable to me....
My hard work didn't amount to anything in that situation.
Resulted in wasted time and resentment.
I'm only saying that because I don't want the game to operate like that. I don't want game mechanics that lead to unfairness, wasted time, resentment, or negativity.
200m Woodcutting: 08/08/2021
Completionist: 09/10/2021
31-May-2022 22:58:34
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31-May-2022 23:00:54
Abby Taylor
Abby Taylor
Why hasn't jagex added a block feature to a forum that's been around for like 20 YEARS.
This is a valid point, i'd love to hear Jagex's answer on this.
Zack Ripper
I recorded and screenshoted 45 Minutes of 11 German Player insulting everyone around them for 3 Hours giving them death threads like kill yourself or hang yourself and so on... I can upload and link it here it is in German so i don´t know if most of you will understand what is written there. I reported them multiple times, even a Player moderate appeared also.. nothing happend..
Usually this is a sign of underlying problems. I wouldn't take it too personally, instead try to ask them if they are okay or report, ignore and move on.
RuneScape has thousands of players, there is always someone who has bad day or is dealing with other issues in their life. Lets focus on helping others instead of reminding them of their own actions.
Well this happens regulary today again it´s just unbearable at this point. It continues above Runescape nowadays with Twitch and Discord.
If this wouldn´t go for like Months i wouldn´t complain. This is just wrong. This is harrassing and bullying people just out of bordem which to this degree is still a crime even in the Internet.
Jagex need to act seriously.
02-Jun-2022 22:16:46
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02-Jun-2022 22:19:50
Zack Ripper
A block feature on the forums would be a double edged sword. Besides the obvious benefits, I think it would just scramble dialogue. Players wouldn't respond to points made by whoever they blocked; others would, then you'd have
players responding to 'responses' made by blocked players. Basically you'd have no context to understand the response (or you'd see their message via quotes anyway). I don't think it's feasible.
Embrace the trolls and alternate points of view, it keeps us out of our echo-chambers. You don't always have to respond to someone, especially when they're not being constructive, playing devils advocate, trolling etc. Silver lining - encountering these types is good exercise to thicken our skin. Not letting people bother you is a skill! develop it, it'll serve you well
Bob says:
A bank PIN will keep your items secure.
Always check the second trade screen.
Never trade in the Wilderness!
Keep your computer keylogger-free and virus scanned.
Never give your password out to anyone.
03-Jun-2022 10:04:18
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03-Jun-2022 10:36:14
Blocking is a pretty common feature on forums and it works just fine. It's a common feature on other chat based sites too. There are actually a couple threads dedicated to discussing adding the feature including a relatively recent one last posted on last week. That specific thing was addressed there too.
Fair enough. I don't see how you'd be able to stop people quoting those you've blocked though. The 'hide via ad-blocker' trick is great though, I didn't know you could do that.
Bob says:
A bank PIN will keep your items secure.
Always check the second trade screen.
Never trade in the Wilderness!
Keep your computer keylogger-free and virus scanned.
Never give your password out to anyone.
05-Jun-2022 11:19:47
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05-Jun-2022 11:27:42