Hey, Liebster. You have an excellent idea for a guide and I am pretty sure that if tweaked correctly, it can become extremely useful for everyone here on the Forums. I too want to provide feedback regarding your thread and I sure hope that it aids you in making it better.
• I too agree with Loki: you should use a more approachable title. The guide you have here is really a collection of other guides and information that can be found on the RuneScape website, Wiki or any other source. I personally like:
Beginner's Guide to the Forums
If you did not break any rules and are member you might be able to appeal the offence.
• Even if you broke the rules, you are still given one last chance to appeal, unless the rule(s) you broke is/are one of the following:
Account Hijacking, Bug Abuse, Real World Trading and any other manual permanent ban (fraud, community safety).
1 Basics
1.1 Who is Jagex?
• I think adding their website (Jagex.com) is beneficial to this part of the post so that people can learn more about the company, current job offers, etc.
Normal threads are made to stickies by Jagex.
• You did mention somewhere else that F-Mods have the ability to sticky threads, so you probably forgot to add it to this section.
Forum avatars are only available for members and only in RS3.
• You may want to add that borrowed items cannot be used for taking pictures and that you can only change your pictures every two hours.
2.8 Signatures
• Signatures should not break the rules (obviously) and if they do, a J-Mod or an F-Mod can and will edit it out.