I support the basic ignore feature where you don't have to see their posts. I'd also like to see my profile have a hide feature.
I don't support it affecting anyone else eyes should be the user only. Any attempt to block or restrict from thread posting is overkill and will be very abused.
The ignore button ends a lot of drama on other sites, don't want to put up with their crap hit ignore. No need to complain about them when they can vanish from your view forever. This site however you have no choice but to put up with their 19th alt account for the year.
Putting them on your in game ignore list surely must also ignore them on the forum.
200M all skills, Trimmed comp Cape, MQC
White knighting"female" forum users is cringey
Always protect "certain community minded people" no matter what!
Blocking doesn't work! Can still be viewed without logging in or logging in on an alt!
So your thread is still open for the annoying rats!
Better to keep it open than to hinder legit posters from posting. If you are concerned over still being able to see their posts when logged out, then don't browse threads while logged out.
Runescape Forumers Discord Server
FiFi LaFeles
Ohhh, I dunno. I think it could be pretty effective. When someone is inherently nasty and toxic they have a tendency to be like that with pretty much everyone.
Not necessarily, As the op said it's just a handful, me, just a handful - my handful would be different from the op's handful. Yes, there are trolls that troll for the hell of it, out of anger and go on a rampage, or just because they are bored or whatever.
The ones that go about destroying threads are not the ones that rampage about the forums. There are different types of trolls.
Jakey Boy
Putting them on your in game ignore list surely must also ignore them on the forum.
Nope - I wish. It's only recently that ignore list works for Clans which is fantastic.
FiFi LaFeles
I think it could be pretty effective. When someone is inherently nasty and toxic they have a tendency to be like that with pretty much everyone. If everyone had the block facility then practically all of them would employ it against the particularly crappy person and thus almost no engagements would occur. I wouldn't have to read second-hand interaction because there'd be none.
Everyone would be relieved of having to read trash from that individual. More or less.
A very effective way to starve a troll
To be honest, this would be ideal.
Even better if they extended it to threads created by that individual, since toxicity extends to creating threads either to spam or to target others.
Runescape Forumers Discord Server
Yes. Threads created to target specific individuals (or groups imo) should die at birth.
Fortunately, the FMods are really quite good at locking these with reasonable rapidity - unfortunately if they do not also hide the opening post any passer-by casually perusing the forums gets to read crap like that.
Extending any such Block View facility to encompass threads (as well as comments) by a specific user (or users) would be ideal.