H alo
How I stayed motivated? By thinking of the buff bod that I'll have soon and how many chicks I'd get.
If you enjoy going to the gym anyways, you don't need motivation. I like how I swell up like a bawss after doing arms and chest. I like looking into the yoga room while doing my core. I like the feeling of walking home after leg day. etc etc.
My only motivation is a stress reliever, when I'm having a bad day I'll go spend a few hours there and work out all my stress, plus been topless on a beach, really isn't a bad thing
What keeps me motivated is looking fucking shredded.
I watch this like everyday
I'm pretty obsessed with the gym tbh i spend most of my day thinking about the gym/going to the gym and researching about the gym. What motivates me the most is all the benefits going to the gym and living the gym life has. Like if you're pretty shy go to the gym and your confidence will boost by a lot. If you go for the lean "aesthetic" look you're going to look like a sick cunt. I always feel less stress after going to the gym.
This is my #1 quote:
04-Apr-2015 01:22:16
- Last edited on
04-Apr-2015 01:38:13
Lew Z
To be honest, I had slumps like you did too Primal. If you can switch your schedule around a bit, that might work for you.
Try taking your gym clothes with you to work, and head there right as you get out. It helps to head to the gym while your body is still in "work mode" instead of waiting till after you've had your meal which makes your body cool down, risking you becoming too comfortable in your jammies to head back out to the gym. Plus, you'll save time/gas!
I go to the gym right after work and eat a banana and some almonds on the way as my pre-workout snack. Then you can work out while looking forward to your meal when you get home.