I'll even go further with a presumptive instance. Imagine that some swap meet occurred that hugman and I both attended at the same time. I go looking for taller ring gears for my dana**, and he goes looking for fancy leather cases to hold his stinkweed in, and at any of possible different booths is some bedraggled meth skank fender lizard cackling at atrociously offensive neoconfederate t-shirts. His appraisal might be close to nothing, or to express his privileged outrage at whim. I will, however, surmise that this poor soul has suffered sterility since age 11 from an abusive uncle, and even having had childlessness rendered upon her, will live as a canadian paying more* for health insurance simply because the box "female" is ticked off... and I will suspend my corrective judgment from outburst.
I find pity. I don't antagonize fender lizards.
This is an ENGLISH game. People from England read, write, and moderate these forums. None of them are truckers like me, but they are "mods" on scooters, and they hate motorcycles. They hate them so much more than me that they won't telegraph and accidentally warn you. Here is the The Who's Quadrophenia. That scene where hundreds of mods beat the shit out of a dozen bikers.
** gawd she is so deep I can't use first gear. I break the tires loose starting from a red light in second.
I have quit rsof because moderator found comments about darklight bonus damage on demons "off topic" for wildy flash mobs full of demons