Also someone posted in an earlier post the link to an app so you can paste a pic to get the hsl codes.
All you have to do is copy the image and paste it in the app and hover over the various areas to get the hsl codes. Then you fiddle around with your cape and colours until you get a combination you like.
Looking for a color scheme that was posted on here a long time ago. It was dark blue with light/sky blue, the guy had trim comp. Link was included in the post. Been looking for it for most of the day now and can't find it.. knew I should have written it down. Anyone got it/know what I'm talking about?
For fun I did one for the Sombrero. This was done on a Comp cape. If you trade the top left values with the bottom right values they will look better on a Max cape. As it is right now, when you use the current values on a Max cape there is too much red, and there is very little red on the Sombrero. :
top left: 0-7-64
top right: 8-2-100
bottom left: 8-2-100
bottom right: 19-4-44
This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine.