Just curious: what are you doing with the history API?
Not using History API.
See here: http://www.indecentcode.com/rslinkify/manifest-json.html
"permissions": ["contextMenus", "storage", "tabs", "ht
^That's all the permissions Linkify requests.
contextMenus: For right click menu.
storage: For saving settings.
tabs: Simply for tabs, Linkify would be pretty useless without it.
The match for the pages linkify can run on: ht
Because I use Tabs API chrome has a generic warning, their reason is because it's possible to see tabs urls. That isn't history however chrome has put under the same warning umbrella.
You can read about it here: https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=429185
When I first published Linkify the warning was different, it changed some time after even though the APIs linkify requests haven't changed.
RS Linkify can not access your history as it doesn't have access to the API. Technically I could save urls from visited pages that were viewed on the forums, something I may do if I make a forum bookmark system, but again that comes under tabs not history.
Lots of developers are not happy about it because the warning is misleading, however I rather the warning be over cautious than under cautious.