Nothing definitive, but I didn't expect that at this stage. However he's willing to release some class names prior to release.
Thank you again, you are just awesome!
Fantastic! I noticed your post as well; so hopefully the team will keep it updated and I got my pagination answer but not noparse. Can't say I didn't try or it's outside the scope of the project.
Rib yuhki
When trying to install it i get the error saying "NETWORK_FAILED"; might be because I'm using german chrome?
Hati, I believe this is an issue outside of Linkify and something that revolves around security settings and connection speed. It's not something I've personally experienced but from what I drudged up:
• A slow connection to the Chrome Web Store can result in a timeout
• Security and antivirus software settings can prevent downloading any extension
• Proxy settings, if enabled, can also affect downloads from the Chrome Web Store
• Reinstallation of Google Chrome might be necessary if lowering security settings and timeout are not what affected the error message.
Rib yuhki
When trying to install it i get the error saying "NETWORK_FAILED"; might be because I'm using german chrome?
I think Ryan's post pretty much covered it. After a little googling even google seem suggest a browser re-install.
Having never experienced this, and also since I can recreate this problem (glad about that tbh) I really cant give you any first hand advice.
I'm curious to know if all extensions on the webstore do this, or is it just one. If it's all extensions then I'd reinstall chrome and see of that works.
Ryan M
Fantastic! I noticed your post as well; so hopefully the team will keep it updated and I got my pagination answer but not noparse. Can't say I didn't try or it's outside the scope of the project.
I didn't actually make any suggestions on that thread. Seriously I don't know where to start. It seems their main focus is give us less and make everything bigger.
I was curious to hear what he'd say about the noparse, shame they wont be going near that. As for the pagination, I'm a little concerned about that but I'll wait and see.
The things need to be focused on are navigation, readability and performance. Get that right first then make your pages pretty.