Hey Indy, is it possible to remove peoples avatar pictures? Cause this guy took mine
And Amaethwr told me you can take all my current codes for my three pictures and replace them with others so people can't do it again. I know it may seem selfish, but thats a picture Tifa made for me and my character. :/
I honestly don't care if clan members do it, but when it comes to randoms. I dunno I feel a weird feeling that's really hard to describe. A mixture of being abused and feeling sick to my stomach.
Indecent Act
Love your work Lust, ty so much for your help
I was just curious about something, I was adding/removing a name or two to the black/whitelist and it seems to kill all links regardless of who they are.
Your avatars will no longer be displayed in the gallery, and I have given you new codes. This is not really ideal though, anyone can get your code from within your posts or right clicking your avatar and checking image source. Also the codes can be found on Rowley's pastebin, but I'll ask him to remove yours.
This will prevent the most common way of obtaining your avatar code, but it's by no means infallible.
I was just curious about something, I was adding/removing a name or two to the black/whitelist and it seems to kill all links regardless of who they are.
I'll take a look at that and see that's going on, thanks for letting me know
I just had a play around with the white list and I can reproduce what you describe.
The issue is with linebreaks. If there is a new line after the last name/URL that seems to causing the problem.
Basically before saving (after editing) backspace over any empty newlines leaving the cursor at the end of the last name/url. See pic to see what I mean.
I will change how this works and make it so new lines wont cause an issue, this is just to get your whitelist back up running again.
If this doesn't work then I'll have to look into it some more, but I have feeling this is where the problem is coming from.
Thanks for your patience and for posting the issue. I can't believe it's taken this long to surface, it will be an easy fix and I'll put in my next update