Indecent Act
Here's so info your interested.
Wow this legit sucks lol... They need to use their browser more if they think multi-purpose extensions slow you down. They are pretty much putting everyone in the same bag and that's unfair.
If an extension is slowing you down, it's up to its developer to optimise it. Multipurpose extensions like RS Linkify have never slowed me down and give me a reason to use Chrome over Firefox or IE11, so it's their loss, really.
It just annoys me when big corporations make stupid decisions, although I'm sure there's a financial motive SOMEHOW behind this.
Indy... if you want my opinion, I highly recommend you focus all your resources into porting RSLinkify to Firefox. Chrome has gone down the drain these past few years. Their browser used to be lightning fast, and THEY made it the memory behemoth that it is now, not the extension developers. It's Google's fault and they can't admit it.
p.s: Reading the comments now and I'm actually surprised at how many support the idea. It's weird. Extensions are OPTIONAL and have always been. If you don't support multipurpose extensions, don't install them. Plain and simple.
29-Mar-2014 15:07:43
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29-Mar-2014 15:12:26
The best approach is to not do anything different and see if Google notifies you of a problem. I doubt they are going to make it autonomously evaluate if your extension does too much and employee reviewing every extension would take too long. Your extension would probably have to get flagged before they did anything, and I see no reason for it to to get reported in the first place.
I'm not making any changes atm, I'm just going to leave it as it is. In all honesty I'm not even sure if I fall under multi purpose since my extension is specific to a single forum and specific to a single domain. Many of the issues google are trying to eliminate don't apply to my extension, but it's not clear on what criteria must be met.
I have started on a firefox version btw.
Even if google remove my extension because of the multi purpose policy, I can still host RS Linkify from my own site. This isn't ideal because the google app store is trusted and my site is not, but at least I have an alternative.
Anyway, this wont be the end of RS Linkify. It's just meant I have put a few things on hold and am currently focusing my attention toward Firefox.