Just a community alert about a scammer - I won't name them here because apparently JAGEX appears to be more concerned about slander and defamation than they are players spreading community awareness about a genuine scammer than hasn't been banned even though reports have been made regarding their activities.
Anyway, I have encountered this player on two different occasions (different accounts) and they have used the same method both times. First, they ask you to buy Frost Dragon Bones from the Grand Exchange (GE) at the buy limit (10K), either at mid-price or perhaps at +5% mid-price. They buy them off you, giving you some profit (1-2M) in return. Next, they ask you to add them as a friend so the chat goes private and is not visible to the public. In private chat, they ask you buy two Staff of Sliiske - these wont buy at mid and they don't ask you to up the price. They ask you to do this to test how much cash you have. Next, they move to another buyable item (1K x Super Attack (3)) but at a price somewhat-over mid-price (e.g. mid is 3.2k, they ask you to buy them at 4.8k). If you do this, they will buy them off you, and as a reward, you will get an even bigger profit margin (~5M). This profit making is aimed at building up your confidence in them, that they will continue to buy what you have bought for them, and doing this will earn you extra millions per exchange. This process continues for 2-3 more request, building up to a point where some quite ridiculous requests are made, like buying 1k Perfect Juju Dungeoneering potions (2) at 468K each. These potions wont buy at a lower price because they have obvious bought-out any that were for sale on the GE, and they have posted those potions on the GE at the super-high price on the GE themself. If you go through with this purchase however, they will only buy at the ridiculously high price, at which point they will log out, leaving you with something reasonably worthless and out of pocket by a massive amount of cash.
23-Sep-2019 17:54:18