The level 78 augmented sunspear? I've disassembled at least 10 of em and I don't have a single undead component. How is that then?
I don't think it always gives them; I disassembled an Akrisae's hood once and didn't get any despite it being on the list. I do know that I've gotten undead components from disassembling the magic sunspear though.
The level 78 augmented sunspear? I've disassembled at least 10 of em and I don't have a single undead component. How is that then?
It's not guaranteed.
Also @ the person above me, barrows pieces used to be 100% undead components, however it was changed early into Invention (within the first few days), perhaps to give more focus to the RotS shields and Malevolent.
Then I guess I'm just unlucky, because more than 20-25 sunspears didn't give me any undead at all. They were all magic ones too.
Guess it's time to add that along with korasi sword to give 100% chance of rare components. They're both grandmaster quest rewards and neither are free, and the components aren't that great either, I don't see why they shouldn't be 100%.
Experience may be the best teacher, but necessity gives you a crash course.
Grand Exchange rework
Disassembling Imp
QOL Updates
QOL updates v2
Anyone remember enchanted helmets and summoning headgears? Those were items that could hold your familiar's combat scrolls and auto-use them. They're now 100% useless when you can just hand your scrolls to your familiar now and even choose how often they use it instead of randomly activating.
New suggestion: allow us to store any and all familiar scrolls in the headgears and use them manually, saving an inventory space. This would include stuff like winter storage, healing aura, etc. Combat scrolls may also be stored in the headgear to be used manually (they won't auto-activate randomly, only manually activated).
Experience may be the best teacher, but necessity gives you a crash course.
Grand Exchange rework
Disassembling Imp
QOL Updates
QOL updates v2
-Eliminate flickering graphics.
-Fix overlapping barrels in the Black Marketeer mini.
-Fix the patron conflicting with the wall graphics, upstairs, best pub, in the Sarula mini.
-Provide more details when checking completed voyages. IE: The crew failed: I forget what they were sent to do. The crew had partial success: What did the accomplish?
-Streamline (aka try to improve again) the interface for creating a ship. Particularly the deck items. You can "see" the Morale settings in Deck Items 1 and 2 by the items positioned on the deck. This does not work for cannons or rigging.
-Stop the camera/minimap from rotating 180-degrees everytime I teleport to this lodestone.
-Make the active bank tab significantly brighter than the others. Perhaps this is already being fixed in the upcoming bank update?
-Make the animation overrides remember the last one you used, so they cycle through your various ones, rather than always starting a game session off with the same one. Non-frequent resters would get to see more than one or two.
Wicked Hood:
-Allow the retrieval of all of a type of rune, rather than having to take, say 5 Natures 5 times.
-Make pets auto-hide when entering the Aquarium, rather than needing to dismiss.