the problems with RS3 (the only version of the game i have any interest in) are:
too much effort is put into graphics, audio, voice overs and other cosmetic nonsense that adds nothing to the actual game play, delaying and bloating updates to the point it probably takes 2-3 times longer than it would if they had the same graphics as in 2010, which not only slows down the amount of updates we get, but payment to the graphic designers etc takes away money they could be paying to hire staff that are more focused on coding, quality control, innovation, balancing, etc
power creep vs level cap - how to make new rewards when lvl 92 is so close to the 99 cap already - next tier of weapons lvl 93, taking 1000 hours to obtain? the slope is too steep because of their pointless refusal to increase the level cap. pop the real levels up to 120, and you can start adding new content thats accessible to the majority of players and takes reasonable amount of time to obtain for noticeable benefits, giving jagex the ability to pump out more updates with meaningful rewards
24-Dec-2018 16:56:25