If you need an example of Renting and Buying - if you don't already own the Wealth Evaluator. Click the Abacus on the bottom of the Backpack window. As you explore the options for the Evaluator, you see that some is just for a period of time (Renting) and the other is forever (Buying).
If you need to immerse yourself into Runescape (try w42), to see that in the game, there is buying and selling. The game doesn't call it Renting, when we pay for something and have use of it for a limited time, but that is what Renting is.
You need to have it spelled out? Go to Solomon's General Store. What does it say in the little green boxes? BUY
So I may not own the little pixels of any part of anything, whoopty doopty. In the game, we buy stuff. So in the game, there should be refunds. I haven't found the customer service desk, it's probably in GWD2.
02-Feb-2021 23:52:41