1. I know I can't cut evil trees with a battleaxe, noob! Now where's that annoying leprechaun?
2. Don't tell me I brought the axe instead of the hatchet again! Back to the bank.
3. I can't believe I got this tree to myself! Wait is that a bot heading over here? Damn, knew it couldn't last.
"After Mod Jon H had used all the paper in Jagex last month, they had to send someone to bring them wood and make some more paper."
"So this is where gnomes live. I'll find this golden gnome in no time. He will pay for breaking my Guitar Hero hiscore!"
A bare man does what in the wood's?
What the thok? This is the wrong kind of axe.
Do my nip's look big in this chest hair?
I was told I would be standing next to graardor for this pose
03-Jun-2011 18:18:26
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03-Jun-2011 18:18:58
"...I just stepped in poisen ivy, didn't I?"
"No Hatchet? Just use this dwarven battleaxe! Enchanted for double chest hair and manly sweat!"
"Who needs a shirt when you have enough chest hair you could be sheared for wool!?"
"Axe deoderant(rs style): wont prevent sweat, but can sure as heck cut down this tree!"
*note: manly chest hair not included.
so those are mine >.>
GL everyone
Hope the mods get a few laughs.
03-Jun-2011 18:19:55
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03-Jun-2011 18:21:45
Zamora Zak
"Meanwhile, at the Graardor henchman auditions"
"No fair, He can cheat the 'new' sheep shearer quest"
"You need a hatchet to cut down this tree
You do not have a hacthet which you have the woodcutting level to use"
"use battleaxe->tree ... Nothing interesting happens"
"a woodcutting level of 1 is required to cut this tree"
"you have obtained some very small bark chips... What a pathetic attempt at woodcutting. Did you ever listen to wilfred?!"