These poll's are a decent way to collect info and i have to hand jagex their due for they're actually trying to get the result's/feed back but i feel that there might be a better way other than saying "Hey people, this is designed for feedback on your own personal level but you only have 5 options to choose from and there are quite the few gap's in range of view for certain player's reason to play/want to play, but i will say that there were some questions that had answers that quite matched all of what would be answered but at the same time i would like it if jagex would have a feedback method where you write in and they randomly select a few letters and answer them almost like god letters but more of a personal stand point not someone pretending to be omniscient but just a programmer/designer/coder or someone that can help people and that talks peer to peer with the person about there problems, though i know there would be some problems with it being that runescape has over 50k+ players playing on it pretty much at all time's, also i feel that there shouldn't be a restriction to use the forum's or poll's because that is quite the contradiction if you fine folk at jagex are wanting players opinions but then saying "shut up you free to play N00b's" being that there are some of them that have been playing runescape for a while but are in a financial depression and cant afford membership pr don't really like to train because they like to socialize with other players more so then grinding out level's, that is unless in one of the news posts you just scraped that info by at the bottom.That is all.
10-Aug-2010 12:10:29