
Official Poll Feedback & Ideas Thread is locked

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Posts: 816 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
It would be nice if we could "choose" the importance of updates. say, in x months from now you have been planning a new minigame and skill changes, along with a new quest.

I'd like to see polls asking what update should come out earlier that month.

kind regards, Baru

10-Aug-2010 11:53:17

Astea Frosty

Astea Frosty

Posts: 128 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Interesting poll this week! I had to check almost all the possible answers in the motivation question, because Runescape really is this varied! You got awesome quests with awesome stories, new ones coming all the time, skills to better yourself at, minigames and of course...the people! I wouldn't imagine an online game without its community. That's why I moved on from console games (though, even then I used to visit forums dedicated to those games and talk to people about that game!)

I've made some great friends in Runescape and we talk about much more than just the game. And any activity we do together becomes much more fun.

Keep up the good work on the best game I have ever played ;)

10-Aug-2010 11:54:07

May Member 2021


Posts: 1,119 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hiya :)

I enjoy these polls for the simple reason that you guys can make them entertaining, funny and serious at the very same time. It's quite unique to have such a combination; one I enjoy very much :)

I vote on polls each time they come out and I hope we'll still get polls every ...let's say..two weeks or so :P

Oh, and I couldn't resist it since you asked so nicely! ;)

Cheers! ^_^

10-Aug-2010 11:55:36

Fisti Magni

Fisti Magni

Posts: 140 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Really nice poll. As a veteran RS player (currently chilling in F2P :P ) for 7 years (8 years next July), I found this topic very interesting.

Well, there are always bad updates that almost make me "quit" RS, but I try to think the bright side :P

Anyway, keep up the good work!

-Teh Fisti-
A grumpy veteran from Finland.

10-Aug-2010 11:57:13



Posts: 14 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Since you asked so nicely...sure!

here it is

i play runescape for around 6years and some months

my gamecharacter is quite like me. At least, it's how I'd like to be if I was in RuneScape for real

i realy can get lost in the world of runesca[e while i am fighting some monsters or doing a quest but i am not feeling like i am real been there

why i am playing runescape?
for the community
because there is a lot to explore
to be the best
because i have trained so much
because of the updates that will come
and because runescape is a browsergame and you can play it everywere instead of downloadgames [big files]

yeah thats why i play runescape etc. :)

10-Aug-2010 11:57:29

Aug Member 2019


Posts: 99 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Since you asked so nicely...sure!

I selected this reponses:

Q1: How do you feel about your in-game character?
A1: They're quite like me. At least, it's how I'd like to be if I was in RuneScape for real

Q2: How involved do you feel you are during your time in RuneScape?
A2: I feel really focused on the game when I play, but I wouldn't say I get lost in the game

Q3: What do you think keeps you coming back to RuneScape (Select all that apply)
A3: - I've already invested lots of time into my account(s)
­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­­- I get a sense of achievement out of building up my character
­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­­- I enjoy the fact that RuneScape is kept fresh by regular updates
­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­- I like the sheer variety of stuff to do in-game - there's always something to entertain!

Q4: Roughly how long have you been playing RuneScape?
A4: 3-4 Years

Q5: We'd love to hear more from you regarding your answers. Would you be so kind as to pay us a visit on our official thread at QFC: 103-104-0-60836872?
A5: Just Did :P

Signed by...

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10-Aug-2010 12:08:48



Posts: 102 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
These poll's are a decent way to collect info and i have to hand jagex their due for they're actually trying to get the result's/feed back but i feel that there might be a better way other than saying "Hey people, this is designed for feedback on your own personal level but you only have 5 options to choose from and there are quite the few gap's in range of view for certain player's reason to play/want to play, but i will say that there were some questions that had answers that quite matched all of what would be answered but at the same time i would like it if jagex would have a feedback method where you write in and they randomly select a few letters and answer them almost like god letters but more of a personal stand point not someone pretending to be omniscient but just a programmer/designer/coder or someone that can help people and that talks peer to peer with the person about there problems, though i know there would be some problems with it being that runescape has over 50k+ players playing on it pretty much at all time's, also i feel that there shouldn't be a restriction to use the forum's or poll's because that is quite the contradiction if you fine folk at jagex are wanting players opinions but then saying "shut up you free to play N00b's" being that there are some of them that have been playing runescape for a while but are in a financial depression and cant afford membership pr don't really like to train because they like to socialize with other players more so then grinding out level's, that is unless in one of the news posts you just scraped that info by at the bottom.That is all.


10-Aug-2010 12:10:29



Posts: 327 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The reason I play RuneScape?

Well, after a hard day of school, I like to come home and relax. RuneScape is like my release from reality and provides me with a world in which I can be whoever I want. I can easily click open RuneScape with a tab of music (Sorry, but I prefer Metal) and I can just play for hours straight.

Now, I don't consider myself an average person and I'm rather weird but I know I can go on RS and relate to other users.

The community on the game is great and there are always people willing to help you.

And that's what I love about RuneScape ^_^

- Arachna3

10-Aug-2010 12:12:51



Posts: 42 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Not quite sure if we had a pool like this before, i guess we maybe had :P

Main Subject: Boss Creatures

Suggested Title: (No idea)

What level are you?:

What is your favorite boss creature?:
King Black Dragon
Corporal Beast
Kalphite Queen
Dagannoth Kings
Commander Zilyana
K'ril Tsutsaroth
General Graardor

If you got to choose what the next boss creature would be, what would you say?:
Cockroach Queen
Spirit of Zamorak
Mutated Evil Chicken
Clones of the players in the room
Other(If someone presses this, there should be a box where they could write what)

Do you think F2P Should receive another boss?:
Haven't thought of it

When you decide to make a boss run, is it because of:
Good Loot
Fun Time
The Challenge
Being Able to Brag About It
Training Skill

Your Username: Simpa105

10-Aug-2010 12:25:13 - Last edited on 10-Aug-2010 12:25:43 by Saethlin

Dr J Cheesy

Dr J Cheesy

Posts: 247 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I definitely need to write my answers down next poll. I forget them too quickly.

Q3: Well I believe I have about 120+ days of in-game time. I would openly say that is way too much, especially after having taken a break for an entire year at one point.

Q4: Yay for 5-6 years! But come to think of it, wouldn't it be 4-5 years in my case, given the year-long hiatus? :P

10-Aug-2010 12:30:13

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