I would've liked it if you had given more precise answers for the "what keeps you coming back" question, especially on the point of community/clans/groups.
Some of my personal answers may sound like I'm involved into one of these clans like I dunno, "the beserks" or whatever. I have never had any reason to join one of those, I see no point in it and what I gather from a friend of mine who is part of such a clan it's not really my type of thing.
I am however part of the Team Penguin group who tries offer every player the oppurtunity to spy his pengs quick and easily. I am of the opinion that this is something entirely different to normal clans. Those who join this group and dedicate their time are in 99% of the times very nice and helpful players who sacrifice their own playtime to help others. This is something I appreciate very much, and I want to give something back here.
I feel that this differs a lot from normal clans, where maybe the clan leaders sacrifice their time to organize events, but the raw mass of members is just there for their own fun and enjoyment. Running across someone who is unfriendly, insulting or arrogant is much more likely.
10-Aug-2010 13:00:38