The poll about motivation was really interesting. It made me delve into my mind, like the quest Lunar Diplomacy did. :-)
The last quiz was not so hard but funny! The possible answers about Emily or hanky points, for example.
And I like to find out things about the game I had not noticed before (e.g. some types of sickle). Thanks!
Question 1: What would you like the next quest series to be about?
a) Armadyl and his followers (sadly, this god seems to get far less attention than any other, even after the Aviansie returned... Bandos is featured in one quest series, and the Empty Lord in another, so I figure it may be time for another god to get his turn.)
b) The Origins of Magic on Runescape (I know, we have the SoJ, but I do think we could more in depth on this subject)
c) The elder gods (Who were they, what did they stand for? Why did they leave?)
d) I don't do quests.
Question 2: How do prefer to interact in a quest?
a) It's like a story being told, with me being along for the ride.
b) Being able to make my own ethical decisions throughout the quest (e.g. Temple of Ikov, Hazeel Cult, A Void Dance. Although, I know that this can be difficult since when you do it, you have to often make branches in the quest)
c) Either one is fine with me.
d) I don't do quests!
Question 3: What do you think should be the most challenging aspect of a quest?
a) Puzzles
b) Skill-related challenges
c) The Combat and/or boss(es)
d) It should be fairly balanced between the above three.
e) I don't do quests -_-;
Question 4: What do you like most during a quest?
a) The Challenges
b) Getting to go to new places, and meeting new characters.
c) Finding out more about Runescape lore and history.
d) A good story
e) The Combat!!!
f) For the last time, I don't do quests! >_<
~~~~~~~~~~~~Perfection meo destinato est.~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~Prudentia et iustia et clementia meo honori sun†.~~~~
~~~Ad maiorem Dei gloriam, inque hominum salutem.~~~
~~~~Nihtgaldere, Dominorum: servus Absoluti Boni.~~~~~
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."
How often do you use the forums?
1)I'm like a star on the forums!
2)I use it all the time.
5)What's a forum?
6)How'd I get in here?
Do you think that the J-Mods are active enough on the forum?
1) Ya I just had a hour long chat with one!
2) Sure I see um all the time
3) Not enough.
4) I've never seen one in my time on forums.
5) Whats a J-Mod?
6) Whats a Forum?
7) How do I get out of this poll???
Wow, that was an interesting quiz poll. Most I knew, but some I had to guess, like Cow1337killr. I like how you grabbed some people with Verak (<----spelled wrong)