
Official Poll Feedback & Ideas Thread is locked

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Posts: 513 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Prior to this poll, I never really thought about giving feedback to polls. However, I must comment that I really liked this poll, because it allowed me to gain insights to things I never knew before. For example, I never knew that there is one person selected for a month of membership in each poll.

Keep up the awesome polls! :)

20-Jul-2010 11:01:48



Forum Moderator Posts: 15,239 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Posting here as promised. :)

I said I vote in every poll - actually, I vote in *almost* all of them. That illustrates the main problem I have with poll questions - when I don't agree with any of the answers given but I still have to pick one. :)

I don't like factual 'quiz' polls. I want to be able to read each question, pick my preferred answer and move on. I don't want to have to go and research the answer before I can reply, and I don't like to choose at random when I haven't got a clue. Sometimes I do one, sometimes the other, and sometimes I don't answer the poll at all - but I'm not happy to make *any* of those choices.

Otherwise, I don't mind any of the types of poll. It's all good fun. :D
Patrona Emerita
of the
Caped Carousers
quest cape clan

20-Jul-2010 11:03:13

A Matt
Nov Member 2023

A Matt

Posts: 5,227 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I'm only posting because I said I would in the poll!

Only kidding, seriously though, it's good to see you're making a poll to see how we like our polls. Maybe it will encourage people to take part in polls or give you feedback :)

- Migy M

20-Jul-2010 11:07:46

Jul Member 2018


Posts: 929 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I loved this weeks poll as it asked questions of what us (the players) thought about the polls.

Hopefully, the information that all the players will give will bring a positive aspect to the polls section.

Also, I would also Like to say that one of the quesitons was about RuneScape Membership, although I do know this, alot of people don't know.
You aren't very public in telling us that who wins the draw for it.

Thanks for the poll this week Jagex,

I'm the one and only

, The Real Zebest605

20-Jul-2010 11:26:51 - Last edited on 20-Jul-2010 11:27:43 by Zebest605

Oct Member 2006


Posts: 2,652 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Well, I never knew this was here :(

I normally vote in all of the polls and only miss them if I'm on holiday or something like that

This is not exactly what you've asked for but, what I would like to see is a way that everyone that logs on must do the poll O_o

When you go to your log-in screen and enter in you username and pass, if there is a new poll up that you haven't so far participated in, you get directed to said poll

As polls are now both free and pay-to-play, everyone is allowed to vote and I believe this will give you (Jagex) a more accurate reading of how your customers feel towards the poll subject

They only take a minute (almost burst into an old Take That song then :P ) to complete and I'm sure the vast majority would not mind doing them (perhaps do a poll to check???) and then you would have everybodys thoughts on the matter

Of course, you would get the usual silly people voting in their usual silly way, but overal I think you would get far better results

Anyway, that's what I think you should do with polls ;)

20-Jul-2010 11:31:56

A Mo

A Mo

Posts: 2,487 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
You've asked kindly in the poll, so heres my feedback....

You've gotta give me that free membership or...

Na, just kidding, I never knew!

ˆˆ*•¸ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ¸•*ˆˆ*•¸ ­ ¸•*ˆ*•¸The Past is Always Present¸•*ˆ*•¸ ­ ¸•*ˆˆ*•¸ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ¸•*ˆˆ
¸¸„«¤^º°°º^¤»„¸¸¸„‹ˆ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ The Future is Just out of Reach ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ˆ›„¸¸¸„«¤^º°°º^¤»„¸¸
­ ­ ­ °»„¸¸„«°¸¸,‹•*°ˆ°*•¸ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ˆ›„¸¸¸„‹•*ˆ*•MoMan•*ˆ*•›„¸¸¸„‹ˆ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ¸•*°ˆ°*•›,¸¸°»„¸¸„«°

20-Jul-2010 11:46:44



Posts: 2,739 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I think use should of let everyone no where the poll discussion was on the forums in the current poll.

I like it when jagex gives reasons as to why they asked the current questions in the poll after you vote , however jagex dont do this anymore=[.

Also i think polls should have a tick next to the right answer during quizes.

And i like it when polls give answers to players that we ourselves dont no! for example no one new general khazard was a mahjarrat until the mahjarrat poll.

i have a suggestion for a poll 2 :P

Favourite runescapee gods

Question 1:

Favourite 3 Major gods




Question 2

Favourite Lesser Known Gods






-Freneskae Creator-God(confirm)

-Bassica Prime(confirm if this is a canon god?)

-Flamtaer(confirm?,could be a god or just the name of the temple in morton if not legit give the answer to who the temple is dedicated to :P ?)

-Karamjan gods(confirm , names perhaps?)

Question 3

Favourite Demi God





-Camel Headed god(confirm , mentioned by Aristarchus)

-Iban(originally human could of become god like?)ressurect iban plz:p

Question 4:

Favourite Elder gods


-add names plz.

Question 5:

note:only add if these actually are gods

-The kendal(man in suit unknown if there actually is a kendal)

-The draugen


Perhaps some unknown gods plz :) there is stated to be over 20.

20-Jul-2010 11:51:48

David Meow

David Meow

Posts: 1,730 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Never knew you could post "poll feedback/suggestions" and I'm posting because you asked nicely Jagex :p

I normally vote in every poll, however my status being f2p since earlier this year doesn't allow me to vote 100% of the time. I knew I could post on the forums, however there is little point for me as I can't really buy/sell anything I'd like to. As a suggested improvement from this, I think you should allow anyone who can post on the forums (whether f2p or p2p) to vote in the poll. I myself have a high level account and have spent several years on p2p until recently. I know and have tried most of the content and have an opinion on it. Just because I'm f2p at the moment doesn't mean I can't comment on some of your latest content. :)

Interesting and unusual poll none the less :)

~~Nurse Libby~~

20-Jul-2010 11:55:57

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