I liked the idea of a poll for polls. It's good to orientate to see what polls people actually like and what polls people just aren't interested in. I think the frequency of polls might be a bit higher. Atleast 1 or 2 polls a week (come on, making a poll takes no longer than 1-2 hours if you're not making things up on the spot (such as the "what if"-polls))
Nevertheless most people who answer polls, answer them in the first 2/3 days so people don't really need 2 weeks to answer a poll. Making more frequent polls keeps the company better informed, especially if you make more feedback/content-related polls.
Last but not least, I suggest making more polls asking where the interest of the players are located. For example: What kind of updates do you prefer: Combat orientated, Quests, Minigames, Skillupgrades and so on. With these results you can keep in mind what updates you're working on, preventing months with 2 or more dd's in which a lot of people aren't that interested in having them on such a high frequency.
PS, You guys are doing great, I haven't been playing a lot lately but I still check homepage and so on for updates and feedback from the big company itself and I can only give compliments for the great work you're doing.
- UnholyHonor
20-Jul-2010 12:03:01