Not everyone has the computer power or gadgets to do voice chat. I have to play in low res now. Make the game much more bulky and I will not be able to play at all.
Plus text chat can be censored and monitored. Voice cannot. Just wait till some stalker talks a kid into revealing where they live and harms them. We will see Jagex sued out of existence.
I just may quit if you do this.
It is a very bad idea.
No it is a braindead idea.
Would be handy for my clan.
Proud member of Titans Revolution.
We won the 2010 Jagex community cup, the 3+ subdivision.
For the final round, we won a 75 vs 86 war.
However we did not get a plaque or anything, no reward because we don't count or something.
Mymyahyy, almost every online game has voice chat, so get real and stop with these ridiculous posts. Someone could just as easily talk a kid into doing something through text, anyway.
And it's not like you will have to use voice chat. You don't even have to type at all for that matter if you're so petrified of human interaction.
Calling Jagex "braindead" for finally getting with the times is beyond me.
I love the idea of voice chat avaibable in rs. I just wanna bring up 1 problem it may cause. If your able to just talk it could get very crowded with everyone talking around you, and it could turn people off voice chatting expeacially in crowded places, i was thinking, why not just make it clans who can hear eachother, and you have to toggle the voice chat option (Like lootshare) so very popular clans (Like tree hunters ect) arn't over crowded with tones of voices too. Just an idea.
It's your decision, Jagex.
Though I won't be using such a feature. There are enough 10 year olds spamming profanities in the text chat ingame already, I prefer not to be exposed from their voice chats of profanities.