This is a horrible idea...look at all the other games that have implemented voice over the internet, combat arms being the prime example. When it was released, it was total TRASH, quality was garbage, couldn't mute anyone, didn't work half the time, insanely laggy. That was at first release. Half a year later...guess what..still doesn't work half the time, lowers game sound, still lags the game...this is a bad bad idea.
In order to utilize VoIP you need literally 0-100 ms ping, any more and it kills any potential conversation. I cannot see this happening over runescape as it's laggy for so many people already.
Fix your current servers before adding other servers. Oh also, if you don't have a dedicated server for your VoIP, you'll crash half the people's games if more than 2 people talk in the same general area.
Let's look at it from this point of view, a clan war, say, Exodus vs Downfall, you will get 30 people from exodus, 5 people from Downfall [about their average pull now] all potentially talking at once. That's about 35 people talking in the same area.
Let's look at bigger clans. Runescape Dynasty has 75-100 people at most events. Reign Of Terror has lets say 75 people to most events. That's almost 200 people [PLUS ANY RANDOMS WHICH WILL BE LOOTING/CRASHING/WHATEVER] totaling well over 300 people TALKING AT ONCE in the space of Spiders to greater demons. That will kill all clan fights, there won't be any need to DDoS runescape players anymore, all you need to do is mass up the clan and all shout at once and the other clan will drop.
World 2, you'll have thousands of people talking to buy items, IT WON'T WORK unless you have clan specific voice chat, and can only access it if you are on someone's clan list/friends list. Other than that, it will ruin the game totally.
09-Mar-2011 00:47:36