Its not that you came off in the wrong way, I was just stating that no matter where you go or what you do you will have trolling, flaming, and some kind of verbal abuse. I feel that maybe this should be an update for 15 years or older but it is very hard to determine what someone's age is if they can just as easily lie about thier age on a game.
As this is supposed to be a game for 13+ I admit I've bumped into kids who we're 8-10 yrs old on this game..
The fact is people lie everyday, There isnt much jagex can do to stop kids from lying about thier age. I truely wish jagex would come out with a game that is for 18+ as I do get sick of children telling me I'm to old for this game.. When in reality I'm not that old lol. Its a video game.. I didnt know there was a "if your this old you can not play" rule.
But to get back on topic here, This update would make communication 1000 times easier then typing. I hate it so much that when I'm telling my friends about something cool that happened I get cut off because the chat bar can only hold so many characters.
Not to mention how much easier it would be for dung,bosses,or just general communication for friends and clans.
If certain people think this is a bad idea then maybe runescape is getting to advanced for you. I think back in the middle ages they didnt type out what they had to say, and press enter. I'm sure they had some form of verbal communication.
And if you dont want to hear a 10 yr old swear then I have news for you... Dont step outside your house.. Because kids now and days have worse mouths then most adults.
With that said I hope the people who think this is bad should open thier hearts give it a chance and stop being so negitive, This update would bring much positive to the game.
As I've said before if this is not something you want to come to the game then let jagex add it and you can just simply CHOOSE not to use it...Nuff Said.
06-Mar-2011 08:19:45