From the questions on the poll it sounds like Jagex is going to charge extra for the use of voice chat, as an added feature.
Please do not do this. This voice chat capability could be so incredibly useful if implemented correctly, especially in team events, such as Dungeoneering.
Take two scenarios:
Scenario 1: Jagex gives voice chat as a free option to all member accounts. A team forms for Dungeoneering, and in joining, all players are given the option to join a voice chat for your Dungeoneering party. This would be very convenient and efficient, as players would not have to type while completing a dungeon.
Scenario 2: Jagex implements voice chat as a separate feature, which costs *1.00 extra per month. Many other players already have outside voice chat capabilities. My clan, for one, uses Ventrilo. So, why spend an extra dollar for a feature you already have? Thus, some people will have voice chat, and some will not, making communication within Daemonheim even more confusing, because you won't know who can hear your voice and who cannot.
tl;dr - Don't make it so we have to pay for it, or it will be useless, and eventually nobody will use it.
03-Mar-2011 18:43:55