I don't necessarily voice chat on RS, but on other games there feels like a definite need to communicate faster, and voice chat fills that perfectly.
The only qualm I have about voice-chat is that it is uncensored, so people can say whatever they want. There also isn't a reliably method of reporting voice-chatters, so be cautious of that.
That could be fixed by allowing certain options to mute people (similar to ignore list), as well as having more specific options in Clan Chat (such as "X rank required to speak"
Overall, I support the use of voice chat as a way to contact friends and/or acquaintances. Just make it so that we have options to mute people (both from us hearing them, and them hearing us).
03-Mar-2011 23:08:38
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03-Mar-2011 23:10:56
RoyalSoul MZ
sounds cool but if they start charging more for membership to help pay for servers the price will start looking like wow's 15$ a month fee =( and there free programs out there like skype, i think we should let the other programs(skype) do what they have been doing providing us with great service. if jagex some how think's of a way of making it free then by all rights go ahead but if it means to raise the membership fees i say "DON'T!!!"
03-Mar-2011 23:09:51
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03-Mar-2011 23:16:27
I votes yes too, it would be the best thing ever, really improve game play, cut down on the extraneous typing, in a word it would propel this game into the realm of community-oriented gaming!
BTW, Scorp is over on FB, drumming up support...just letting you know
I constantly wonder what the actual average age of the players is now
hmmm would be usful, but a text to speach option like in several of the programs i use would be nice aswel as i personly dont like useing a mic but the tts option sloves this for me
The chance to communicate with my friends and others using a microphone or headset rather than having to type is a great idea. HOW would you make this possible? The idea is brilliant, but can you make it happen? Would it be sucessful if you charged for the service?
For young players this may open up a bunch of new problems regarding solicitation. Having said that, if 'whitesword69' states he is 15 years old and sounds like your grandpa, you know something is kinda wrong. right?
Just like the profanity filter, i think this should be optional.
It would be great to have this privalege for free! but i feel that if you were to allow free-to-play'ers this privalege, there could be BIG security issues.
Players who have their membership payed for by their parents could have the option to allow their child to talk to their friends online via voice chat or not?
Kids playing x-box live or runescape or any other game online (with voice-chat) will meet strangers every day, and you cant really stop that.
What im trying to say is this: Whats better? your kid effing and jeffing online to players (typing) or actually mouthing off? - I feel that some players may not say some things that they do if they knew they might be pressured into talking on mic. There will be a lot of arrogant and obnoxious players mouthing off, im sure. Just as they do on X-Box live. But how would you 'report' spoken word?
I think perhaps an age limit for the voice chat could be something to think about. Sure kids will lie, but some wont, and those who have parents who monitor their gameplay may or may not either.
Having a voice chat system in this game would be quite EPIC really, because it would draw people away from asking for personal instant messeging information like skype 'addys'.
Also: sometimes giving directions or tips and advice requires a lot more space than the chat box currently provides.
Id like to hear what everybody else has to say about all this.
Bob says:
A bank PIN will keep your items secure.
Always check the second trade screen.
Never trade in the Wilderness!
Keep your computer keylogger-free and virus scanned.
Never give your password out to anyone.
03-Mar-2011 23:11:18
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03-Mar-2011 23:16:10
No guys just no, Ive been here as long as zezima, if not longer, this is a bad idea, runescape is one of the few classics out there that don't use voice chat.
And if you ignore me, put it in the aids function to be able to "completely turn off chat" or a option to have a program that would have to be made by you, that understands the words and writes them out as text for players with no mics, because if you do this, nobody will type ever again.
That would be AWESOME!
I have never used a Massive voice communicator to communicate with more than one person though. I used Windows Messenger video chat and also Skype to chat with my friend while we pked and also when we were bossing. IT IS A LOT EASIER!
03-Mar-2011 23:14:34
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03-Mar-2011 23:15:35
Cosby Potion
For the people bringing up things about security, I have been playing and chatting on xbox live via a microphone and it is SO MUCH EASIER than typing. I was on xbox live when I was a 10 year old, and it never caused any problems with me. In the long run, voice chat has made me more sociable and mature. Maturity is something youth lacks now days.
03-Mar-2011 23:14:36
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03-Mar-2011 23:21:13
Cosby Potion
Dear Jagex,
please read i put alot of thought into it
please dont do this i have seen games fallen apart with voice chat. i use skype and programs like that and everyone is fine with just typeing. an example is the xbox. It has turned into a disaster with voice chat with people who arent even giving good info like look out when someone is behind there teamate only in like MLG stuff. Also, xbox needed it and it turned into a disaster. also, another big topic is safety. i would think parents wouldnt like there kid talking to a 20 year old who they have never meet. Even if you can mute the person with set parental controls they still would have to mute them you cant say block all people who are 18+ or somthing becuase they could just lieing what there age on runescape when they create the account to get to kids. Even if you have channels to talk on if its clan only or friend only they could still join clan or add you as their friend. so to put this altogather its a super bad idea and even if people would be like wow now thats going to be awesome it is going to blow up in your face and your going to have tons of problems trust me ive seen it before.
`kind regards jackboy424
No Thanks. If I want to use a voice service for Runescape I will use Skype/Ventrilo/Mumble or anything like that.
Oh and more things of course. I dont want to listen to boys aged from 12 years old with a girly voice. It freaks me out if I hear people screaming on the PS3 while a game is loading. I just hate it if you get forced to listen other people. Of course you can mute them. But maybe they're saying some stuff you want to know. Just let Runescape how it is. Dont build in a voice chat it will end up in a disaster. Just use the programs what are made for it
03-Mar-2011 23:19:54
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03-Mar-2011 23:27:34