Have you ever visited the clan section of the RuneScape forums? What did you think of it?
I go there for the clan rules and clan events. A great place to organise a clan events.
Q12) No.
p.s. mod kat at u saying gratz to that person. i'm srry thought this game was not a 'dating site' so y sure saying gratz, just gnna make more peeps do it.
Have you ever visited the clan section of the RuneScape forums? What did you think of it?
out of date and needs more options to apply to more variety of clans ... such as POC's , role play clans, pvm / pvp clans and corporations ... not forgetting guilds
11. Are you a member of a clan? If so, how did you join it? If not, why not?
Haven't been in one. Right now there isn't much reason to be in one, except for pking maybe.
"12. Have you ever visited the clan section of the RuneScape forums? What did you think of it?"
Yes, I have, I'm on the forums quite a bit. As for what I think of it, I'm not sure, that's kind of a vague question. I like it I guess? It seems like a good way of getting clans together, so I can't see any problems with it or anything. I'm sure it'll come in handy when I eventually make my own clan.
12. Have you ever visited the clan section of the RuneScape forums? What did you think of it?
If you mean the real clans with the clan section, I have visited it a few times, yes.
I really love to see on the different type of clans. The requirements they ask and stuff.
Seeing all the combat clans and the skilling clans.
But I haven't really looked closely to it.
But if you mean the clans that are doing more D&D stuff (starhunting, penguin hunting,...) I really like those clans. I was a member of 2. (and still am a member of 1, thou very unactive atm
12. Have you ever visited the clan section of the RuneScape forums? What did you think of it?
Answer: Nope this is actually in all my years playing runescape the first time I am visiting the forumns