17. How have you used free trade since its return on the 1st of February?
Mostly just been upset about how crazy all the prices have been since it's release. Other than that, I've been lending claws without going through the hassle of junk trading.
17. How have you used free trade since its return on the 1st of February? I hosted a design-my-PoH-Contest. With a price money of 1-2m. I still have to pick a winner though
13. Where did you first hear about RuneScape?
Friend when I was 11.
14. Why do you play RuneScape?
Friends and fills my time with something rewarding.
15. What more could we be doing to better support the RuneScape community?
16. Have you ever given up training a skill? If so, which one?
DUNGEONEERING @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
17. How have you used free trade since its return on the 1st of February?
<- Santa Hat Trust Trade
@mrmjprice |