Screwed around at the duel arena with a friend with both of us staking stupid expensive things (Bandos, our entire cash stacks). Gave friends things, let them borrow things, got 20m off a friend who quit
"How have you used free trade since its return on the 1st of February?"
I've used it to buy or offer to buy things for a price I think they are worth. Somtimes I get the item, sometimes I don't, but that's okay. I'd rather not get it than have to pay an outrageous price for it.
18.Do you use the official RuneScape Game Bar? If so, what do you think of it? If not, why not?
Yes, I definately do use this. This is because I find it nice to see my offers in the grand exchange, the D&Ds, Etc.
I think this is a great toolbar to have!
12-Feb-2011 19:24:52
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12-Feb-2011 19:25:48
17.) Nope not really. I generally buy stuff using the GE at either the average price, or 5% lower or higher than it.
I just need to make money right now and there's not really a lot of people willing to buy items that are overpriced anyway lol:p Plus I just try not to ask for cash from my friends as I know that gets quite anoying
18.) No as I like to keep my toolbar as short as possible to avoid having to press the F11 key to see the whole of the RS game window:p Also, just because I personally don't need to.
12-Feb-2011 19:25:05
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12-Feb-2011 19:26:37