What makes your chosen location so special for you?
It's quiet, beautiful and secluded - Just a place for you to talk with little distractions.
@mrmjprice |
Spirits of Arianwyn
@SoA_RS |
RuneFest 2010-16
12-Feb-2011 17:54:06
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12-Feb-2011 17:54:36
Haha, I love the question. Personally, I like to stand south west of the Grand Exchange in the corner of the wall there. OR, sometimes I follow the river salve south of the Barbarian Village to the stepping stones and hang out on the stones.
What’s your favourite spot in RuneScape to just ‘hang out’?
Got to be Yannille bank! it's quiet and peaceful, yet people still come and go. It's a nice and relaxed enviroment for anyone who's doing a bank skill.
@Shippuden166 - yes I do read every post.
Q6. I never like to "hang out" I tend to wander between places usually back and forth between varrok and lummy looking for people to recruit for the clan or to generally help newer players with stuff like how to avoid scamming or make money. Sometimes I will go and look for bots to report.
6. What’s your favourite spot in RuneScape to just ‘hang out’?
Tough question Kat :o
When I'm bored I go to the GE. Never actually thought of a place to really hang out. Maybe the games room?
Let's say I go for North-West Varrock, as that is where most of the players hang out
6. What’s your favourite spot in RuneScape to just ‘hang out’?
relleka. It reminds me of Norway.
Specifically, my house in relleka.
For the record, first chance I got, I changed my display name to my relleka given name and added king as I had finished the misc quests
6. What’s your favourite spot in RuneScape to just ‘hang out’?
I used to like hanging out in Falador in the old Classic days, just chilling and having a laugh with my friends, but doesn't 'feel' the same in RS2.
I like to hang out in Miscellania a lot, nice views and the princess is alright too! LMAO!!! Seriously though, I like hanging out on the Lunar Isle a lot, cos I make Air Staves regularly.
@mod kat if i must pick a specific location then i guess it would b draynor or someplace like that cuz its not as crowded as lumbridge so there's less lag, spammer etc. i hate it when a random person comes up 2 u and asks if u want to be their gf btw my bff is f2p & i'm p2p so i can't show her my POH
I wish I was in Dixie land
12-Feb-2011 17:54:34
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12-Feb-2011 17:57:59