14. Why do you play RuneScape?
Number 1 answer is probably addicting but I'll run with it
RuneScape is a game that your able to build a player overs thousands of endless hours sometimes. The game is constantly evolving which any game should be doing if they want to keep old players and gain new ones. I play because I enjoy playing and I have yet to accomplish goals I have set for myself to accomplish with RuneScape.
There is no other game quite like RuneScape
Mutinous Rcers
14. Why do you play RuneScape?
It's sort of my home away from home in a way. Sometimes I just feel like spending some time with 00-Evan and adventuring, whether that be by doing some slayer, doing quests, playing activities, or training something else. RuneScape have become much more of a casual interest for me over the years, mostly because i've played so much of the game.
12-Feb-2011 19:02:45
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12-Feb-2011 19:03:16
14. Why do you play RuneScape?
That's a very good question, as many people just are addicted to it x]
I was kind of addicted to it too, but nowadays I'm more busy with irl hobbies (which doesn't mean I don't play a lot :p).
I think I play it because I've been playing it so long, making it hard to just say good-bye to everything you achieved in the game (people can still be proud of virtual achievements!)
It's also fun to see 'what happens next'. New quests, new items, game improvements, ... I just can't wait to know what comes next
That last question took forever to answer and now I'm behind a little
14. Why do you play RuneScape?
Hmm another tough one... I'm not entirely sure what draws me to it, but I don't fight it's allure, rather I embrace it's entracing gaze
I think a lot of it probaly comes from the fact that I myself and heading down the path of a game creator, and I simply love Runescape's style, design, model figuration, style of gameplay, I draw a lot of inspiration from it
"14. Why do you play RuneScape?"
I play because I enjoy it, and honestly, because I'm obsessed with gaining every skill/achievement cape.
After that I would probably switch my focus to community events, but until then....
The Ghostly Witch King
I remember my first few hours in RuneScape. Lumbridge castle... It pulled me in!
This game felt like a whole new world, it was so big.
I'd look at the Lumbridge walls and be like "WOAAAAH! OMG.. This game.. Looks... So complicated. LOL"