
The Ghostly Witch King

Quick find code: 49-50-618-65165470



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This is the story of my character.

The story begins with a pregnant woman in the middle of the 5th age, being possessed by a demon and dragged into the shadow realm. The timing of this was quite coincidental, or perhaps it was planned, because shortly after she arrived she went into labour. The delivery was incredibly fast and easy, almost as if the child was more determined to be free of her womb than the possessed woman was to be free of him.

For years the child survived in the shadow realm, the forces of which altering the nature of his growth and needs. He had no need to eat, but he did have want for contact and stimulus. He would receive none from within the realm, but fortunately he was able to see into the normal world.

As he grew he noticed he could manipulate shadows. Apparently, a part of the demon had infused itself into the child before he was born. Now out of his toddler phase and into his adolescence, he sought to use these newfound powers to escape his prison.

He began slowly, working out how to manipulate shadows in such a way as to achieve any specific result, and building from there. After much experimenting and many failed attempts, he one day attempts escape again, only this time something happens.

The fabric of the realm seems to open up, giving him a glimmer of hope. The boy sees this and jumps at the chance for escape, pushing his way through into the normal world. He arrives on the other side in the middle of a crowd, the bulk of which begins to panic at the sight of him.

The people indeed panic, except for a Zamorakian couple. Unlike the others, they find themselves quite excited to see him, believing him to be a sign or godsend of some kind brought to them by Zamorak himself. The boy was confused by this, as people he had observed up until now had generally avoided talking about Zamorak.
The Ghostly Witch King

27-Sep-2013 03:17:31 - Last edited on 20-Nov-2013 22:34:48 by Naqeth



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The couple notices his confusion, and invite him to their home. Curious, he tags along with them. As soon as they arrive they begin teaching him of Zamorak, and what little they knew about him, being as much knowledge at this point had been lost.

The boy happily takes in what teachings they offer, eager to learn of the outside world. They teach him what they can, but shortly the child grows restless. He already tires of his ghostly form, and begins spending his time working on his powers.

For a few more years he stays with the couple, devoting his time to his abilities until finally he finds a way to materialize in a corporeal state. Once again filled with hope, he continues to push the issue until he can maintain his solid state, effectively undoing the curse of the shadow realm.

Now in his more human body, he decides to go out exploring. He partakes in all sorts of adventures in the name of Zamorak, despite his limited knowledge, until in one of his adventures he comes across a Zarosian artefact. Curious, he investigates.

With time he learns a story of a god named Zaros, and the story of how Zamorak gained his power through treachery. The boy found himself quite torn by this. Zamorak was all he had known up until that point, but he didn't really want to be known as aiding the one false god.

He decided to change allegiances, believing Zaros to be a proper god. He is enticed by the friendliness of his followers and the promise of a world that's accepting of shadow-bourne beings like himself. For several years beyond that, he figuratively carried the banner of Zaros, believing this to be his place. All was right in the world.

Then one day, the unthinkable happens. The god known as Guthix is killed! The man, now a youthful adult not quite into his middle years, was quite shocked by this. How could yet another person be so brazen as to strike down a god?
The Ghostly Witch King

27-Sep-2013 03:17:54 - Last edited on 27-Sep-2013 22:47:28 by Naqeth



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It wasn't long before the Guthixian butterflies showed up to teach the world of Guthix's past, and then the emissaries of the gods to recruit all they could to their cause. The man continued to champion Zaros' cause, though now filled with some uncertainty. If Guthix was once mortal, then what about the rest?

Yes, he continued on his adventures, the majority of the emissaries he came across paying him little heed; that is, except for Moldark. Up until this point, story had been spread, originating from the couple of his past, about a ghost child sent by Zamorak. Part of this story was a general physical description, including one of his eyes.

Moldark saw his strong features and strange glowing eyes, and knew he must be the one from the stories. He jumped at the chance to recruit him. He took the man aside and attempted to sort out his concerns, telling him what he knew of Zamorak and his ways, and answering whatever questions he could.

The man was glad to have this opportunity, soaking in all he could from Moldark. Between the preachings of this emissary, and the text from the Book of the Gods, he began to understand. He found that the ways of chaos made sense to him, so he once again took up the Zamorakian banner.

Moldark was, of course, thrilled by this. He then sends the man to the Kinshra, telling him that he would be just the one to help them in their plight of exile. He goes to them in the Black Knights' Fortress, but it isn't long before he grows displeased.

These knights of the fortress treat him as but a servant, and he grows weary of their habits. He finds their ways don't match in what he was taught to believe. So he leaves the fortress, but on his way out he is confronted by the hi**ophant Marius.
The Ghostly Witch King

27-Sep-2013 03:18:26 - Last edited on 13-Feb-2016 05:00:18 by Naqeth



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Marius speaks, "Wait! I can understand your feelings here. The men of this fortress would gladly fight for Zamorak if called, but they hardly represent Zamorakian ways." "Still," he continues, "I feel as though our parting would be a mistake. I believe you can still have a place with the Kinshra. You have the potential to do great things, and be a leader of men."

"Tell me," he asks, "What is your name?" The man shamefully admits, "I have none, as no one up to this point has cared enough to name me." Marius responds, "Then I shall name you. How do you feel about 'Borei'?" The man becomes visibly excited by this, and quickly agrees to it.

"Go, Borei." he says, "Go to the base of the Kinshra found beneath Taverley. Speak to a man named Daquarius Rennard. He may be able to help you." Curious, he makes his way there and speaks with him. Daquarius, of course, had heard the stories. He knew of his origins, and of his abilities in combat.

Daquarius says to Borei, "I have heard much about you. You could be of great benefit to us, and I hope that we can be for you, as well. First, though, I need to test your abilities as a leader. Take this small contingent of men. You will be their commanding officer for a time."

Borei takes the soldiers, and he leads them on quests and into battles. All goes well at first, until the men grow complacent and look to return to their previous posts. With reluctance, he releases them back to Daquarius and goes to speak with him.

"You return!" exclaims Daquarius, "I am happy to say that, despite appearances, you have actually passed my test of leadership. You lead my men with conviction, and you didn't fail to show them compassion. Still," he continues, "I'm afraid I cannot allow you to lead my men any further. It seems their loyalty to me will not allow them to follow anyone else, but fear not. There is still a way for you to be a leader amongst the Kinshra, or at least, a close ally."
The Ghostly Witch King

27-Sep-2013 03:18:59 - Last edited on 27-Sep-2013 22:59:30 by Naqeth



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Daquarius has one of his men hand Borei a set of armour that is similar to, yet different from, the black steel armour he wore previously. Daquarius says, "Take this outfit. From now on, you shall be known as the Ghostly Witch King of Zamorak. Adopt your new persona, and use it to recruit people into your following."

"Do this," he says, "and you shall have a unit of knights all your own. You will technically be separate from us, but do not fear, as you shall have our aid when you have need of it." Borei dons the new attire, and makes his way off on his own.

The man existed for a while as his own entity. He had tried his hand at creating a glorious gathering of loyal black knights, true to the teachings of Zamorak, from out of the ashes of his previous leadership. Alas, the pull of Lord Daquarius was too great, and he was instead accepted into a group promoting an alliance between Armadyleans and Zamorakians after giving it much thought. He had been friends with the alliance since its inception, but only recently gave thought to making his place official.

Borei accepted the alliance and his place in it, but it wasn't long before he began to feel out of place. Some friends he had made within the alliance left it, and he no longer felt a pull toward it. It seemed as though his reasoning for joining was flawed, as he didn't pursue the same goals.

The man left the alliance, deciding to etch out a life as a lone Zamorakian. He got by alright for a short while, until on one of his adventures he came across a meeting of the gods themselves. "What a fantastic opportunity!" he thought to himself. Unfortunately for Borei, the circumstances of the meeting never afforded him the opportunity to address any of them directly. Try as he might, he was unable to even get a word in edgewise.
The Ghostly Witch King

27-Sep-2013 03:19:20 - Last edited on 08-Oct-2015 04:25:56 by Naqeth



Posts: 1,301 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Borei observed the meeting as best he could, responding when actually addressed. As the meeting progressed, though, he noticed something. Zamorak, while supposedly having good intentions and taking no part in the misdeeds of his misguided followers, behaved himself in a way that Borei found unbecoming. The god he thought he had come to know and respect wasn't all that he was expecting.

After the meeting, Borei searched for answers. He was quite bothered with what he had witnessed, to the point that he lost touch with the power he had been working to maintain his solid state for just a brief moment. It wasn't long, but it was enough to make his flesh vanish. He hides it with his armour, but his skeletal head remains visible to all as a reminder to himself to always maintain control.

Borei looked for any solution that would satisfy his sensibilities. While on his search, Borei came across a Zarosian scribe. This scribe did what many thought unthinkable. He maintained and offered knowledge of Borei's former lord, knowledge that most of the world thought lost forever.

Borei spoke with the scribe for hours, discussing the details of Zaros. While he had turned away from Zamorak, he still saw merit in his teachings. He was glad to hear that Zaros was not likely to seek revenge, and that he apparently had no ill will toward any of the gods. Borei wasn't sure how the scribe knew all this, but he was too grateful for the insight to question it. He was once again 'of Zaros'.

Today he wanders the land alone and once again intact, trusting in his new lord to guide him when he goes astray, and loyal to the teachings of Zamorak. He spends his time doing as he will, as he considers whether it would be wise for him to form a collective of Zarosians. He asks himself what their goal would be. Is he up to leading such a group after his previous experiences? Are there any that would seek to join him, the Solitary Witch King 'Borei'?

You may post.
The Ghostly Witch King

27-Sep-2013 03:22:47 - Last edited on 10-Dec-2014 18:58:51 by Naqeth

Dec Member 2020


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Always good to read a character backstory, and especially one which alludes to in-game lore/characters/settings/etc.!

Kudos on a good read! :)
" All great changes are preceded by chaos. "

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27-Sep-2013 04:30:55 - Last edited on 27-Sep-2013 04:49:15 by Aterivus

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