
Forum Moderation Review V2. Thread is locked

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19-Apr-2020 10:15:16

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19-Apr-2020 15:40:06

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21-Apr-2020 10:03:32

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21-Apr-2020 10:09:29

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21-Apr-2020 11:53:24

Mod Kari

Mod Kari

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user

Let's do this!

It is jake - Making alternative accounts to circumvent a ban is forbidden. See the Code of Conduct and the wider RuneScape Rules (which apply here), printed below:

"...any account you are using must not be involved in any rule breaking or exploitative activity. Any penalties or sanction for such behaviour will be applied to all of your accounts."

As for your concerns about an FMod waiving rules for certain forum users, I shall reach out to them to ensure that equality is being practiced across the board.

2_Tron - Your comment accused OP of not being the owner of the account they were having issues with. Since it was more likely to be another issue (as it turned out to be), the FMod acted appropriately on this occassion.

Lord Helsing - Your suggestion was considered unfeasible and reported as being a troll thread. This was not properly explained by the FMod who handled the situation and I've spoken to them about their tone.

Archaeox - Looks like miscommunication among the FMods and an oversight of what should be common practice. I'll discuss this with them.

yoda monkey - Your comments were removed as they seemed to exist only to further an argument. While I understand that you were frustrated by what had happened, as the FMods stated, those concerns should have been made to Jagex support teams.

gozzzz - Your thread was removed because it's somewhat innapropriate given the current global situation. Furthermore the quote you provided has been taken out of context, as it was clearly intended as a joke.

gozzzz - Your thread was closed for repeating a thread that was already closed. Though you might have had good intentions with the thread, it is also important that the rules of our forum are followed at all times.

gozzzz - Your comments were hidden appropriately. Please do not defame FMods.

removed-out - Your thread was locked appropriately and a suitable reason given by the FMod who handled it.

I am Test - Your reply was hidden appropriately. In future, please report users/threads that you believe are breaking forum rules.

OSRSbeatRS3 - You post was removed appropriately fo diverging from the original topic.

gozzzz - Attacking any one via the forums is forbidden. Naming and shaming remains unallowed, and the OP was appropriately redirected to account help.

Immortalized - I think the fault here is squarely on the trolls that led to your post being locked, not the FMod who did it. From what I can decern, it was only locked to prevent further trolling.

RELATlONSHlP - The comments were correctly hidden and the FMod is doing their job appropriately. Criticism is encouraged, but civility is mandatory.

Kanga R00d - The username of the account that has been banned is innapropriate. As for your threads that have been locked, at a glance they all seem to be spammy and add little to the community we wish to build here.

For more detailed responses, please follow the template and post QFCs in future Fmod Review posts.

Only 9 Lives - If you wish to quote official Jagex sources, please use quotation marks ("") or other formatting to show that you are pulling information from elsewhere and are not in fact the source of it yourself.

Ownage - Having looked into the thread, it does appear to be spam/trolling. I'll be sure to use it as an example when we next convene with the FMod team.

Cheesewizz2 - This thread is not a place to request ban reviews. Please do not insult FMods in your posts.

For more detailed responses, please follow the template and post QFCs in future Fmod Review posts.

Phew, that's a long list this time!

I'd like to personally apologise for how long it has taken for this thread to be addressed. Archaeology (amongst other projects) have proved to be a huge time sink these last few weeks.

Going forward I'll aim to do this more regularly again.

Stay safe!

Community Manager

Needs more Ben & Jerrys

24-Apr-2020 12:50:05

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24-Apr-2020 13:50:44

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25-Apr-2020 13:11:10

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25-Apr-2020 21:11:01

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26-Apr-2020 22:27:40

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