Will staking come back along with the wilderness and free trade? If not, do you have a time frame for when it will?
Are you going to put any limitations on using pack yak scrolls to bank valuable items when you're about to die in the wilderness?
Will you flag accounts for giving large gifts to friends?
Will the once glorious bone yard make a return?
Will the wilderness wall be torn down? Because it should, and that would make room for the memories of the varrock fence, and bring that pking spot back to its former glory.
Why are you making the revs drop pvp statuettes? That will bring in non-needed inflation.
When staking comes back, can F2P stake things like partyhats? that would be quite awesome.
If you are making the high risk worlds, then you should also make worlds that were just like pre -07 and everything in it, like no pvp armour or godswords or anything.
Please bring back the old ice barrage, where they were ice cubes every time.
22-Jan-2011 14:59:42
- Last edited on
22-Jan-2011 15:26:15