When you changed the wilderness back in 2007 you reduced its size by 40% (or there abouts). Are you planning to increase its size back to what it was originally or will you leave it as it is?
would the green dragon relocate to the new clan war... when widly come back with all the rev but people save because some people dont know how to pk and that how some players like level 50-120 make money without dieding
reading genjits comment above i dont agree with you compleatly banning extrems and overloads when in the wildy because the player did spend money and time on geting them. when your deep wildy pking ovloads help because there only 1 invontory space. mabey leave overloads ingame but when your pking below 20 wild there just like super pots and then past there they start to gain more effect so every 5 levels of wildy it boosts and extra 1 of pot level until there at there usual.
- draw back would be that it only boosts to the level where you potted and it will lower if you go lower in the wildernes. so if you pot in 25 wildy then you walk up to 30 wildy that stat would not raise because you are nown higher in the wilderness. and if you pot at 30 and walk down to 25 the stat will lower to the appropriat level.*to avoid peaple poting at mage bank then teleing to edge and having max boosted stats
but that is my opinin about the pots i know this was not a questinon but in a way i am asking to see if this could posibly be done in the future?
There are several quests that require entering the wildy (more than spirit of summer series). What will you do with all those quests?? Take them, and ALL RELATED CONTENT, OUT of the wildy I hope!!!
Also, I still think you should relocate the entrances to the chaos tunnels OUT OF THE WILDY!!! You should not need to traverse the wildy to train slayer!!!
I just have the 1 question...
Q: Why are you making it so that when an item is dropped, it appears straight away? Why not leave a good 30 seconds or so like it used to be? Can you guys elaborate on that a bit please and tell us in a bit more detail what the reasoning behind this is.
Hmm i guess thats 3 questions...
I read that Jagex was not removing the GE but, they will be removing the price restrictions. Does this mean that they will still have set prices for certain items but you can just pay as much money over and under the set price? Or will they take out set prices and allow the players to decide the prices of items?