You have said there will be no graves but what about keeping 3 items? Will we keep 3 on death or do we drop everything?
How are you going to combat bots? I see them and report them but not much seems to be done.
How about a list of banned bots? Just so we can see what is being done?
I'm told it takes from 1 day to a week for a bot report to be processed, if that's true then you will never stop them.
I suggest a Bot program to handle bots. It will not stop the best ones but the simple bots it can catch.
Free will be hit hard with bots. It is too easy to create a free acct after free acct and just use the same botting program. Unless you have some way of stopping that.
All to many members will create free bots to gather fish, ore, flax, you name it. Free trade will let these be transfered. What are you going to do?
And when will you address the cyber bullying that pkers and some high levels indugle in?
22-Jan-2011 15:43:29