What is going to happen to old farcasting rules??
will a third party still be able to come up and Pj you.
On that note is the "new" looting timer removed? meaning we can immedatly be attacked by anyone once we get a kill
Why no extremes? Turmoil is like 200m and Extremes arn't too far behind that, only thing that should maybe be banned is overloads.
Is this rev dungeon thing going to be in the wild, and how will the drop rates for pvp gear be
Regarding gravestones, do you really plan on letting people loot them after they are destroyed? *note to self, never go to gwd with anyone but close friends*, i mean really people risk 50m+ at bandos, and if you dont know the guy who died, why should you bless when u get a free 50m in 6minutes
unskulling trick: when you attack a player, (with no armor ofc) die, and come back and attack him again, will you still be un-skulled like you used to be?
all i got for now
22-Jan-2011 16:34:45