Mod Fetzki answered a question earlier about luring people and how it was now viewed as a normal part of the dangers of the wilderness. Does this mean Jagex is changing their stance about luring being against the spirit of the game? (In most cases, at least)
There used to be a game mechanic in the original wilderness which allowed you to run back to your place of death and pick up certain untradeable items i.e. Firecape, RFD gloves, Void knight equipment ETC. Will the same or a similar game mechanic be returning?
Will the varrock fence be returned? It would be great having to see it again.
Also, why don't you just put a big evil sign that says its the wildy instead of putting wall?
Hello Mods,
What will happen to the armoured zombies dungeon near chaos temple? Will the dungeon be a safe area?
Will the green drags area be safe?
Edit: If gravestone expires people will steal our loot! Then nobody will bless my grave when i die since they would prefer profit rather than being good.
Thanks alot anyways
22-Jan-2011 16:25:27
- Last edited on
22-Jan-2011 16:31:32
Eternal Orth