1. Why do you still allowed korasis, chaotics etc? I thought you said "as close to 2007 as possible"?
2. Will you allow horses to DDOS still or will the rules apply to everyone?
Please take out korasi no1 likes it.
Please take out curse prayers, they are too overpowered and make pking extremely anyoing. (I have 99 prayer and I hate curse prayers in pvp)
Please dont bring back pjing
Please dont do the instant dropped items will show up, teams will mass drop brews under their team mates it will be so stupid..
Please make everyone auto skull, sitting there waiting for somone to skull was extremly anyoing back then.
Please please please
What will happen to the new untradable items in the game?
(Chaotic weapons, Painted whips, Korasi sword etc...)
Will the person losing them be able to run back and loot them, or will the person killing them get cash or something?
1. Summoning NOT affecting combat? in your first Q&A it was unclear whether this was going to happen. Can you clear this up?
Also my 2cents it NEEDS to affect combat otherwise in edge level 1 for say a 126+12 can be there pking as usual and still get attacked by a 126+12 who has a yak summoned which is 30 extra food over the first player, how is this fair?
Also i dont think familiar in general should have a use in single pking like the combat familiars, why can BoB's be used in single and not attacking ones? either way i believe single areas would be so much better if summoning wasn't involved at all, i mean it wont be useless as it can be used in multi (where it is actually neeeded)
2. Secondly Staking, Staff of light with spec beats any chaotics and dds in a stake, surely there needs a "classic" option for whip/dds or pre 2007 weapons, PLEASE!
3. Wilderness Volcano, i heard that boneyard is apparently coming back (with the removal of clan wars from the wilderness) so is this huge chunk of wild going to return to its former glory of the 3rd green dragon spot? because imo it wont really be used at all when wild comes back and is taking up a whole lot of room
4. Safe Spots? in the Q&A it was said that it is the wilderness and is supposed to be dangerous yet i hear that there will be safespots dotted around the wild? just one question, whyyy?
5. Revenants
Im all up for them dropping PvP armour and Brawlers, even more excited that the area will be IN the wilderness so it wont be camped by everyone, but Statuettes, really? surely you've learnt your lesson in the game giving the player a sum of conjured cash? now was the perfect time to rid the game of all this inflation.
6. Untradeables!
The Q&A said that some of the most popular untradeables will be able to get gathered after death like the good old days!
Can we learn what EXACT items will or will not be collectable, (hoping for no chaotics but yes for firecapes books etc)
-Vids (Answer as many as possible!)
22-Jan-2011 15:18:35
- Last edited on
22-Jan-2011 16:40:43
Hey, First of all thank you for bringing back the wildy & free trade! In my opinion RuneScape without them is nothing.
I have some important question.
1.) Armoured zombies are a quest npc of defender of varrock and they are placed in the wildernes under the temple dungeon. Are you planning to move the Armoured zombies dungeon into a safe dugneon? But if yes there is still 1 problem... Can you move the temple with armoured zombies too pls? Cos they are only best attk, str & def xp cos of the temple since you can use piety while training.
2.) I'm an old player since 2006 & I'll be realy happy if you bring the old wildy map but the most thing i want is; Boneyard Back! Can anyone confirm if Boneyard is coming back pls?
Thanks again for this awesome update and I realy can't wait for 1st February! Thanks Jagex!
Mod Fetzki answers:
The big difference is that you cannot tell before combat whether a person can use extreme potions or not. As you say, it doesn't make any difference to the combat level if you have a high Herblore or not but it makes a big difference to the combat stats. And you can see whether the other one wields dragon weapons or the other items that you talked about but not whether they are using extreme potions or not, therefore we had to disable them. And to your comparison: EVERYTHING has soaking on it now, therefore extreme potions are still very very powerful.
You cannot tell before combat if a player has a chaotic weapon or ring of vigour in their inventory. You cannot tell if a person can use the chaotic equipment either.