Q: Will overloads/extremes be allowed in the wilderness?
S: NO! Definatly not. This isn't because "we cant afford 96 herblore", many of our members have 96+ Herblore and most of us can afford it, we all have mains aswell which plenty of them have 96+ Herblore too (For PvM ect). Since these potions are untradeable they should remain out of the 'combat triangle' especially for PvP, it makes the triangle very unfair, especially for people who do not have the potions. If they were too be allowed, herblore should also become a combat stat as it heavily affects the combat skill (More than summoning does tbh), if these potions were made tradeable then there is no reason they shouldn't be allowed in... But that would be stupid, everyone would be 2 hitting other players and it would be maddness, just leave them potions too the skillers who enjoy PvM.
Q: What will happen too Chaotics and Korasi when lost?
S: Since these are so powerful (over-powered, especially for a 200k sword) it would be stupid too allow players too run back and loot their chaotic item/korasi sword once they die, the wild would just be full of people risking 50k but being one of the most powerfull there. We suggest they are made like the anchor, when the anchor is defeated it turns into 200K cash. This should be done for all dungeoneering items (Chaotics, Shields, Amulets..) and the Korasi. I would say a price of ATLEAST 2Mill per chaotic item is reasonable, some argued 5-10Mill per chaotic, and 200K for the Korasi.
22-Jan-2011 16:01:28