
Wildy & Free Trade - Questions Thread is locked

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Vapes Fez

Vapes Fez

Posts: 983 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
1. Will extremes be in the new wild?
and also
2.If grave stones disappear will you be able to loot the other persons things?
3. will the old green dragons where bh used to be come back :) ?
4.The return of full drops and maybe pk points to buy statues and PvP Gear?
est 2005 :D

22-Jan-2011 16:43:40 - Last edited on 22-Jan-2011 16:49:04 by Vapes Fez

Nov Member 2023


Posts: 1,517 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
This problem is one that exists before free trade, grand exchange buying limits e.g. the recent change of 1k potions per four hours.
Problem because
-It artificially lowers demand so the seller has to take a lower price than they should do. Usually resulting in the less wealthy players in the game losing out.
-Difficult to bank most forms of supplies e.g.
-Frost dragon bones
-Arrow heads
-Uncut/cut gems
-Summer pies
-Iron/steel platebodies

Why it should be changed
-No real reason to keep such low buying limits when there will be very little manipulation due to the extinction of junk, why would you manipulate and buy up an item if it would go straight back down if you tried to sell it again?
In summary I can understand the limits on the more expensive items, but the limits on the items above are silly and should really be changed at some point.
Other problems I don't understand are
-Penguins remaining in the wilderness
Perhaps you could put them in harder places instead rather than having several pk clans standing next to the penguins with d claws ready to kill you.
Gravestones in non-wilderness
For those of you who don't know gravestones in non wilderness will remain as they are, however your items will be available to everyone once your time is up to get back.
This is a massive problem because for a long time if you died and someone saw your grave they would bless it, I can't imagine anyone blessing a grave now unless they are a friend.
Say a group of people make a godwars team on the forums and one of them dies, I doubt most people in rs would bless there grave if they had full arma, ranger boots etc in their grave and they could take it.
So I think making grave available to everyone is a bad idea and that Jagex should either make it never appear like before, or grave times should automatically go to 1 hour.

22-Jan-2011 16:43:56

XR Strider

XR Strider

Posts: 169 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
These question is to the new area the rev's area be relocated to 1. is this new area going to be f2p? 2.if so would we be able to get the f2p rare items as well such as corrupt? 3.would this area released along when the old wildy comes back on feb 1.Thats all sorry if its looks really bad im new to the forums and i really want to know so i can possibly go in this area with my main

22-Jan-2011 16:44:22

May Member 2019


Posts: 2,457 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Will shops return to the way they were before the update? That is, not everyone having an induvidual stock but there just being one stock that everyone sees? And will the general store return back to normal? Where you don't have to buy the things in there for their guide price?

22-Jan-2011 16:44:27



Posts: 1,378 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
This is not really about the wildy/trade but:
If you right click something now and keep the moude on the 'option screen' and there's a 'loading - please wait' the options screen will go away. Is there any chance to change it so it doesn't go away (I think this was in 2007 too) while you have a 'loading - please wait'. Because it's really annoying.

22-Jan-2011 16:45:07



Posts: 517 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Is anything going to be done about weapons which are used to pk even though they use no skill, and are simply 100% luck?
Items such as Claws, used to rush then run off, D bow/Hand cannon, both used to rush then run off without finishing a fight, though to a lesser extent than claws.
AGS is another example, although used in fights it is 100% luck. People who use them always accuse you of 'safing' even when you're not, for the sole aim of hoping to get a lucky high hit, or a lucky spec. There is no real strategy involved.
Vesta is another example, its all too high powered and involves too much luck.
I know you won't change it back to pre 07 pking, but are there any solutions short of messing up our HP or armour again?
Your damage soaking update was, to an extent, a step in the right direction - but in turn you simply release an even more powerful weapon to counter this, there should be a limit. Constant updated weapons being better than previous ones might be good for PVE content, but for PVP content its not so great.

22-Jan-2011 16:45:07

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