Will you be able to go back and pick up untradables like torso and fire cape, just like how it was before 2007?
You said you want to bring back wildy as close as it was before the update. Why don't you relocate the Chaos Tunnels since they are obstacles in the wildy. Sure you can't enter them while under attack, but do you really think this won't harm pkers and non-pkers alike?
22-Jan-2011 16:02:39
- Last edited on
22-Jan-2011 16:03:53
Dusty Beggar
Hi jagex, Just one question.
When Gravestones (outside wildy) run out of time, or are demolished, Why do the items become visible to everyone. This will mean that when people see a grave stone, they will wait till it goes, and steal the stuff, because, unfortuantly not everyone in runescape is honest and unselfish. Will you perhaps heed my concern and change this in the future? Many thanks
Evilurnon |\\//|
I am wondering if the abyss wizard is going to be moved to a different area. I want to be able to runecraft with out getting killed. Thank you for your time!
Have you thought about bringing the old bh crator back? Like because you've banned extremes/ovls the bh crator could be completely free for all.. as in anything goes. Alot of people
like myself enjoyed bh crator alot and would probaly be better than the future "high risk" wildy worlds
*Abit of an unrealated question but I'm sure we would all love too hear...
- Do Jagex pay attention too PK videos and such on YouTube?
If so could you maybe tell us your favorite style of PKing (hybriding, melee, range, tank, edgeville, magebank.. so on..) and maybe even a PK'er / Team you like
Since you guys have planned on bringing back the boneyard, have you guys planned on returning the varrock fence? The one that was located in varrock multi wilderness.
"Mod Fetzki
Mod Stevew
Mod Paul M
Mod Mark
why are you not answering the questions from people are are MAD at you from bring it all back!!
page 45 i have 10 questions about why are you bring it back!!
people who dont want it back and me wont to know why! "
Agreed Alfie, we want some answers.