Augurer Ben you have summed up what clearly 90% of runescapes players think. Way more than 100,000 people quit playing after free trade and the wilderness were taken away from the game.
The wilderness is the wilderness, its meant to be dangerous... Why is there so much banter about "oh no im going to get pked!"? Who cares? Thats the fun of doing treasure trails. Theyre not meant to be easy. Whats the big deal about running around the big land of RS to find top-notch treasure? Yippee. It's at least a reward going into the dangerous areas of runescape successfully and finding your treasures. And in regards to an ON/OFF toggle; it just wont work. [Click ON and its the way RS was, click OFF and it's the way RS is now.*
On top of that, with free trade taken away the values of items havent been at the price where players value them, like in the real world. Also, when Jagex added the Grand Exchange I thought at first they were adding a type of "stock market" to the game. It hasnt been much of a stock market but with free trade it very well could be.
On the topic of bots.. There is no guarantee that they will increase OR decrease. Ive been called a bot and reported before but never has Jagex accused me for it. Why? Because when i skill i often like to turn public chat off and talk in private chat while i click the exact same pattern over and over, thus making my little man look like a bot. Therefore, we cannot make comments on bots with this update, it ultimately has no effect.
I am one of those players who quit playing due to that horrible update way back when.
Both the wilderness and free trade made the glory days of runescape, bring em' back, and the players will come!
25-Dec-2010 06:37:04
- Last edited on
25-Dec-2010 06:54:21