25-Dec-2010 08:06:42
Please do not bring back the wilderness and free trade.Ihave heard of players using any name they find to vote on the recent poll,I even had a person ask me if he could use my original rs name to put a vote in, I told him no but he probably did it anyway,so I believe it to be a very rigged poll. I for one do not want the wilderness the way it was before. I like to be able to go out there without fear of another player killing me and taking all my armour, it's bad enough fending off the revs. The pkers have their own worlds with the pk and the bounty worlds,why do you even think you need to bring this back to every world? As far as free trade, this will only bring up all the things of the past, hackers, scammers and goldsellers online. The trade system is working just fine, why not just up the limit among friends to a slightly higher limit. I am an older player and I am a proud member of Mystics clan, an adult based clan and the word amongst ourselves is none of us want this at all, we are a skillin clan, we train everything, but we kill monsters not people. I have seen children getting taken advantage of enough in this game, if you bring this back the children aren't keen enough to say no to these older, wiser teenage players.Or they want to be a higher level so bad that they trade accounts and ****word freely. i have seen kids at the banks going omg, my account was hacked and I lost everything, I have seen bots in about every area of rs, there is a lot of things that need to be fixed. I think you should concentrate on those things and leave the wilderness and the free trade system as it is right now, it's working fine it doesn't need to be changed at all.
Thank you,
copied from previous post
*****= pass
25-Dec-2010 08:39:41
- Last edited on
25-Dec-2010 08:42:11