Ah, I see, poop. So, it's vote yes for no choices then? Interesting ethical stand. I'm curious: how exactly do you justify forcing everyone to play the way you want?
The Wild IS dangerous, always has been, always will be. Revenants, remember? They were introduced when the player threat was removed. They might not be much for someone of your caliber, but they're quite the excitement for 90% of the player population. Now, if Jagex takes those out, I might agree with you - but I'm hoping they don't. I like the beasties.
Mind you, I'm not wedded to the dove idea. When I go into the Wild for a pengie or a clue scroll or some such, I do it in the buff, so to speak - exciting for me, but nothing there for a player to profit from. I can live with it either way. However, I don't see the logic in forcing things on the handful of people that don't want it.
The community is eager for wildy back. It SHOULD be back - but why force PvP on some poor noob who's barely managing to survive the revenants in pursuit of some quest or a penguin or something.
Still, I'm glad you like the idea of limiting vulnerable players. I'm more concerned with the young'uns than the rest of us - Jagex decided to let that class play, it's going to have to give them some thought. Sure, I'd like to see choice just on fairness grounds, but most of us could live without it. It's not like somebody's going to be showing up in Lumbridge trying to kill me, after all - Wildy's a defined region with a very clear boundary. So long as the risks are clearly understood, we're most of us mature to make our own decisions and take our own chances.
I'm first and foremost concerned that the young'uns, the ones most likely to become disillusioned and disenchanted with the game if they find themselves lured or ganged up on, should be given some protection. However, they STILL may have to go into the wild every now and again - chasing down a quest, for example. Perhaps we should only apply the dove thing to them.
29-Dec-2010 05:49:16
- Last edited on
29-Dec-2010 05:49:49