
Wildy/Free Trade referendum... Thread is locked

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Micron 7

Micron 7

Posts: 113 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I cant WAIT! seriously,
Those who havn't payed back then you'll soon come to realise how fun it really is, so PLEASE VOTE YES!
Oh and Beelee good point, I do support everything you said!


25-Dec-2010 00:36:34 - Last edited on 25-Dec-2010 00:39:44 by Micron 7

F lappy

F lappy

Posts: 1,540 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hi all,
All these discussion about the wildy comming back is pointless to be honest.
Will try to explain why.
1) Enough ways to do peoplekilling, like pvp, bountywordlds.
These worlds aren't busy in general, why...simple fact the minority of players love to do people killing.
2) why go through all the trouble relocating quests, cluescrolls minigames and so on just to make it possible for "non-agressive" players as well to play all these things without the chance beeing killed and loose their items.
3) This also means relocating agility, runerocks for example, the wild will be empty this way.
So there's just the revs there and the pk-ers.
Unless they are the only ones allowed accessing thes places.
4)There's another major reason why it should not return.
Runescape brings people together to have a funtime, wether to skill or to do combat.
Enough combatgames on the internet to be played, none with those different things combined.
Runescape has a unique concept, that's why so many play it.
5) Plenty of players play the game for social reasons, not with a chance to be lured into a dangerous place and loose their stuff while beeing helpfull to others.
6) Game is played by a variety of players, old and young. Not all of them do understand all of what is said for their native language isn't english (or german, frensh, potugese).
Those players will be an easy victim to the pk-ers.
All in all:
No reason to get the wildy back.
Personaly....i think i stop playing the game the minute it will return, wonder if i get a refund for this is a major change in the game which takes most the fun out of it.

25-Dec-2010 00:38:52

Dec Member 2023


Posts: 21 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Looks like were heading back to the stone ages. No limits, no restrictions, unstable G.E, you could hack,bot,cheat,lure,scam and the chances are you would get away with it. But y'know what? That's where all the excitement is, you have to keep on your toes, be alert for scammers, that's the whole point of playing runescape! For the thrill and excitement it brings. After all, Isnt runescape set in medieval times?

25-Dec-2010 00:50:54

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25-Dec-2010 00:55:24



Posts: 7 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I remember the first day that runescape die... Everyone was at party room dropping their item and quitting.
I do really want the free trade and wilderness back. Personaly, I'm a pker, I pked since 2005. So that is why I voted yes.
I talked to some of my mate that quitted runescape when wilderness got removed. And now they would be ready to come back.
Imagine all the player that would come back in game. That would be incredible..
It gonna be a big '' come back '' for Runescape.
I voted yes all the way.

25-Dec-2010 00:55:35



Posts: 45 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
First of all I would like to thank Jagex for giving us the chance to vote over this matter.
I really think this is a good idea. I know for me and all my friends money was easier to make. I've been playing for 5 years now, when the wildy was there and free trade was enabled, I was having alot more fun than I do now.
I ask every Player who votes, was runescape a more fun now or then.
For me it was better back then. Money was easier to make, my combat skills levelled quicker and most important of all I found getting my skills up this way was actually fun.
Free trade was something I also liked. As I said I've been playing 5 years now, my friends have recently started playing but I can only give them like 10k an hour. I have the money to give them more, but with today's trade I can't. I am quite aware of the problems caused by the wilderness and free trade. Scamming, identity, as a victim of scamming back then, I was angry but I soon learn't my lesson and it never happened again.
Mabye You guys At Jagex Could raise the awarness of these things and let players know how to prevent it?
Because I seriously think this is a great idea.
You Have The Strongest YES Vote From Me
Thank you for your time,

25-Dec-2010 00:57:29



Posts: 176 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
In response to the post by Flap Pino
1) They will be removing PVP or Bounty Hunter worlds and replace them with the old wildy on all worlds.
2)Because mini games aren't meant to be dangerous (besides the dangerous portal at clan wars), that said clan wars is wide open to the wildy and many other things added in the wildy since it being updated back in 07.
3)If you aren't going to go into the wilderness then why care about the wildy being deserted? It won't be deserted though becasue rune rocks, and the agility things were all there in the old wilderness so why wouldn't they be there when the old wildy comes back?(rhetorical)
4)Runescape was plenty popular back when it had the old wilderness why would bringing it back effect runescape in a negative way?
5)If someone goes into an area thats dangerous then its THEIR OWN FAULT for dying and losing their stuff.

25-Dec-2010 00:59:21 - Last edited on 25-Dec-2010 01:01:43 by AfkWatchinTV



Posts: 152 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
1. PVP worlds arent busy because pking on them is horrible and the loots are junk.
2. Why not relocate them they are only there cause wildy pking was removed. Infact if the wildy still existed something like clan wars probably wouldnt.
3. Why the agility course rune rocks clue scrolls were in the wildy before to make the valuable rewards from them have a risk.
4. Pking has always been a part of runescape and it is what makes the game fun for alot of people, just because it isn't what you like why does everyone else have to suffer, especially when it was removed because of RWTers and not abuse of the system by people who enjoy pking.
5. It doesn't take much common sense to dodge scams.
6. so because the minority of people are braindead the rest of us should suffer? Sorry but what we have now is the result of jagex babysitting morons and it sucks.

25-Dec-2010 01:10:47



Posts: 3,567 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@ Flap Pino
2) why go through all the trouble relocating quests, cluescrolls minigames and so on just to make it possible for "non-agressive" players as well to play all these things without the chance beeing killed and loose their items.
There were always widerness cluescrolls. I see no reason to change that.

3) This also means relocating agility, runerocks for example, the wild will be empty this way.
So there's just the revs there and the pk-ers.
Unless they are the only ones allowed accessing thes places.
Agility and runerocks were in the old wilderness. I see no reason to change that either
I'm so confused anymore

25-Dec-2010 01:15:54

Dec Member 2023


Posts: 21 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I agree with you point when you say about Jagex babysitting players. This is what runescape was build for, the thrill of playing, and if you want it all cosy and safe then you shouldn't be playing this game.
Use you brains, if someone tells you to follow them into the wilderness think first.
If some wants to trade you a so called rare item for $$$$ then research the item first before you buy it?
Its all common sense really.

25-Dec-2010 01:18:23

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