Hi all,
All these discussion about the wildy comming back is pointless to be honest.
Will try to explain why.
1) Enough ways to do peoplekilling, like pvp, bountywordlds.
These worlds aren't busy in general, why...simple fact the minority of players love to do people killing.
2) why go through all the trouble relocating quests, cluescrolls minigames and so on just to make it possible for "non-agressive" players as well to play all these things without the chance beeing killed and loose their items.
3) This also means relocating agility, runerocks for example, the wild will be empty this way.
So there's just the revs there and the pk-ers.
Unless they are the only ones allowed accessing thes places.
4)There's another major reason why it should not return.
Runescape brings people together to have a funtime, wether to skill or to do combat.
Enough combatgames on the internet to be played, none with those different things combined.
Runescape has a unique concept, that's why so many play it.
5) Plenty of players play the game for social reasons, not with a chance to be lured into a dangerous place and loose their stuff while beeing helpfull to others.
6) Game is played by a variety of players, old and young. Not all of them do understand all of what is said for their native language isn't english (or german, frensh, potugese).
Those players will be an easy victim to the pk-ers.
All in all:
No reason to get the wildy back.
Personaly....i think i stop playing the game the minute it will return, wonder if i get a refund for this is a major change in the game which takes most the fun out of it.
25-Dec-2010 00:38:52