dude what the heck??? socializing?? lmao.. now i've heard it all, if you play runescape to socialize and "skill" you need some pleasure or a life maybe. pvp is the major thing about this game. look unlike WoW for example, you can't make any REAL money at all from having high stats in useless skills. so why waste your life away getting 99's in non combat skills? to quit rs one day and say "that was a good run"?? no thanks. pvp is what makes this game fun. unless u find it "exciting" to sit and chop trees for hours on end just because...?? i have 4 accounts, 1 being my main and ALL of which have a different focus on combat stats (pure,turmoil etc.) and NONE of which have 75+ in anything non combat... WHY? because its pointless. its about pking, its about pures, handcannons, tanks, piety, turmoil, korasis, claws, vls, dds etc... all these things make the game about pking not about running around all day making runes or collecting flax lmao... the excitement lies in the defeat of another player, if not that, then why play? to have an 0rg4sm because you reached 99 fletch?? or to socialize?? go to a bar to socialize, get real.. play runescape to get good enough to pk lol, its a game revolving around combat, like all other mmorpg's diablo, world of warcraft, runescape etc... all these games if you think about it, revolve around pvp combat. non combat training is a tiny part of the game mainly used for MAKING MONEY, and why will u make money?? so you can afford items such as claws or d bow, or w/e you want to use...for what?? here it comes.... PLAYER KILLING!
25-Dec-2010 01:20:05
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25-Dec-2010 01:26:48