@emybaba & tahki:
I agree with emy in essence, but I agree with tahki that safe worlds would be pointless, as the PKers want the wildy back for the specific purpose of preying on people like you & I.
However I am happy to compromise my views so long as the wildy poses the same danger to all players. The players that have an unfair advantage as it stands are the PKs that hunt in packs.
Solution 1: Remove multi-combat area's
Solution 2: Keep revs.
Have you ever gone to the wildy to mine a fallen star? If you ever have, you'll know how many revs turn up. It's insane. Revs are attracted by people, the more people there are the more revs attack the group. So by keeping revs they will be more likely to attack PK clans than individuals (either PK or non-PK)
@sare tog:
although this is true, there is nothing we can do about it. I can resign myself to this fact so long as the wildy remains fair and balanced for all players.
@hersir sah:
"Too easy work" is the problem? Then why does it have to be PKing that makes it harder? Why aren't you badgering for other difficulties to be introduced? Me thinks you just wanna murder kids, steal their 15K of items, then say "hahaha! Take that you (expletory name calling)" while they try to explain how hard they worked to get that full addy set you stole.
IMO You are not a very nice person >.>
@iron 1965:
You have a great point there, as 90% of people want wildy, why would the safe worlds be crowded?
But I disagree. No one will have a need to use a safe world unless they have business in the wildy (mage arena, agil course, abyss, green drags, KBD, clue scrolls, etc.) so I doubt they would become "over crowded". Not to mention the fact that safe worlds would render the wild pointless, as it is being put there for the sole purpose of giving PKs like hersir sah the opportunity to callously murder people like us with minimal risk to themselves...
Morals and ethics aside, the wild needs to pose the same risk to all, including PK pack hunters.
28-Dec-2010 22:49:53