
Wildy/Free Trade referendum... Thread is locked

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Posts: 40 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
haha, little crybabies...
Go quit rs if you hate wildy/free trade so much...
btw pk'rs are not the selfish babies, that's you, who voted "no" evry1 else want's old system back, jagex is able to track botters,cluescrolls will be relocated,and stfu 'bout being veterans... you can nolife all u want and still be a lil nublet
btw I'm no '08 prod, I just quit rs 4 like 3 years...

03-Jan-2011 21:59:08



Posts: 253 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Do you think it is wrong to burn a Flag?
I beleave it is wrong and one should never do it.
hummm yes there is a BUT.....
I should have that right if I so take a notion.
after all we are said to be free right?
No one hase got to go into the wilderness and PK I Don't
But... If i take a notion to try it I should have that Right....Right
I am a skiller 98% of the time.
I voted YES.
ON all 3 Ac*****
Maybe this helps you understand the 90% a good 40% of the yes votes are skillers.
OHHh And WE skillers make good GP off PK.ers lol
Have fun all

03-Jan-2011 22:41:54

A B R A 1991

A B R A 1991

Posts: 2,290 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
this is how runescape was and how it should of stayed. there are only a few logical reasons why you wouldnt want such things back. and those are either YOU have been scammed, Killed while not pking, new to the game, or simply scared all your 'valuable' items are gonna drop in price. Things that revolve around YOU..jagex may care what kids like you think, but the other 90% of us dont. you're annoying and simply in the way of something that was taken away from US..oldschool players, pkers, stakers and everyone who voted yes. all i have to say is forget you and your opinions if you vote no. as for those of you who voted yes, your GOD.
Vote yes, don't be a loser.
(copy/paste - if you agree)

04-Jan-2011 00:58:08 - Last edited on 04-Jan-2011 00:58:49 by A B R A 1991



Posts: 65 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hi all,
Ive been a member since 2005, I dont understand all the fuss.
Back then the wildy was a place of risk and reward, YOU took the RISK, YOU got the REWARD.
I did my share of clues, but I was only PKed ONCE, and that was while crafting Nats via the Abyss, and yes, I was a little ****** OFF. It meant I had to get all my Runecrafting bags back, as well as replace the items I lost, sure the items I lost were inexpensive (back then you didnt go to the wild unless you were prepared to lose your items) it was the total inconvenience of the event that really burned at me.
I learned well from this though, when I had a clue that required a wildy visit I went to a quiet world with no pkers around, did the same for abyssal Runecrafting, never got PKed again.
I hated the wilderness but I want it back, its part of RS, it adds RISK and REWARD back into the game, the FEAR that the wildy USE to envoke in low level players will return. The wildy demands respect and thats a good thing, really.
Personally I think the revenants should stay in the wildy as this will put the PKer's at RISK of attack. Like I said WILDY IS RISK AND REWARD and DEMANDS RESPECT thats for everyone.
There were also Anti PKer Clans around in the wildy days, these clans would get together and go to the PKer's areas and take them down, making it safer for the Abyss RCer's. I garantee some of these clans will return, so PKer's YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.
On the subject of free trade returning, all I can say is WOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT.
Finally I can again give expensive gifts to my friends on B/Days etc, and help my son with cash and items when he needs them. This is the best news in my opinion.
Hopefully the new anti botting info that was recently released is up to scratch and keeps the bots away, they will kill the games economy again, if they get a foot in the door.
To all those who DONT want the Wilderness, wait and see for yourself before you decide to quit.
Cheers all.

04-Jan-2011 02:05:59 - Last edited on 04-Jan-2011 02:09:55 by InsaneOzzy



Posts: 49 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I think this is gonna be great!!!! i voted YES YES YEEEESSS!!!! oh and to those who think this is probably gonna be a negative change, relax! chill... it'll be fine, infact it'll probably be the best update in years! sure we'l probably be murdered CONSTANTLY by PKers while trying to do treasure trails (thats if the clue scrolls arent relocated) or certain quests (again, if their not relocated) but don't worry, jagex won't just leave you there in misery.( i HOPE)
as for free trade, we probably wont go into an econamy crisis. i mean, free trade didnt do us any harm back in 07 did it? nooo. plus the ge was there to so every body, RELAXIFY! its gonna be FIIINNEEE!!!

~failed smiley faces to all~ HELAZAHG 0_o

04-Jan-2011 05:12:04

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