Although mixed feelings about actually bringing back the Old Wilderness & Free Trade, I support the roll-back. As all decisions, this one is no different, its got it's pros and cons. The quality, amount, and over-all feel to PKing will be changed (for the better in my opinion). Free Trade will allow for better grip on our own economy, less power to the mass number of Grand Exchange manipulating clans. There are countless reasons as to why both Old Wilderness and Free Trade will make a great come-back to the game. Now, with that said, I do understand that with this we'll also bring back our "bad-apples". Though; if you thought that botting, scaming, hacking, and real-world-trading has diminished since the taking out of both Old Wilderness and Free Trade? You're kidding yourself. All those actions are just as present as they ever have been, simply hidden from eye as the techniques and reasons for doing so evolve to avoid detection.
29-Dec-2010 18:52:41